Chapter 12a-Florian [RETCONNED]

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A/N: yes.

t h r e e chapters in one day

well this is more of a mini chapter but still

A/N 2: hey so uh this chapter isn't canon anymore
Yeah ik I'm the best at this
But story changed and this makes me cringe every time I think of it
So yeah

Chapter 12a: Florian

Florian was in his workshop. It was the best place to clear his mind, and boy did he have a lot of things on his mind. He vented his frustrations in his hammer, bringing it down on the weapon he was working on.

He had so many different emotions stored up.

He was jealous of the other two admins. How come they got magic, and he had to work with his own hands? It wasn't fair.

He was tired. He had spent so much time this week making sure that everything would work out. As an admin, it was his job to make sure nobody stepped out of line. And that was hard work. It had been when there were only 6 people in town.

He was irritated. Those time travelers- or whatever they were- obviously didn't respect him. They didn't see who had the power. They thought they could just come in and ignore everything that had already been established.

But most of all?

He was suspicious. They were new. Strange. They couldn't be trusted. And two of them in particular really needed to learn their places. Those two were threats. Those two thought that they could just waltz in and do whatever they wanted, just because they had some power before.

But they weren't in their own world anymore. They couldn't just exert their will on anyone they pleased. They were just as powerless as the people they once commanded.

They will soon enough. Florian thought to himself. They'll learn that they don't have any power here.

They'll learn that they're only here because I let them be.

Who even cared about magic, anyways? He didn't need it. He could force them into submission without it.

He'd done it before, after all.

A/N: help my brain is telling me that this is too short even though its a mini chapter



at this rate i might break the record for 'most chapters posted in one day'


*runs off*

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