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Season 5 Episode 11

'The New Maddie'

"Hi," I told Brynn as she walks into the den.

We wall walk into the room so we can do pyramid.


Maddie Sabrina Kendall

Mackenzie JoJo Nia

"So this week we are traveling to Wayne, New Jersey. We're going to Sheer Talent. And Cathy will be there," Miss Abby says which makes me nervous because whenever we have to go up against Cathy, Abby ends up really mad.

"My first solo is going to Maddie. Maddie, you're performing a solo entitled 'Vertigo.' You know, Maddie, I, I wanna mention at this point, with solo that you have a s reputation to uphold. Because the 'Chandelier' video was a piece go art. And I'm very proud to tell everybody, that it's been nominated for four Grammys. So, we're goin to the Grammys," Miss Abby tells Maddie.

"Second solo is goin to out new guest, Brynn. The tittle is 'Diamond In the Rough.' That's what I think you are," Miss Abby says to Brynn and the moms do not look that happy.

"Sabrina you will have a solo. It's a Lyrical entitled 'Imagine,' Imagine if each of these girls were like you. You haven't lost. Will you beat these two or will you let them beat you?" Miss Abby says.

"The group routine. The title is 'Dance In The Rain,' We use this term often here, in Pittsburgh, with our grey skies. We can't wait for the storm to pass. We dance in the rain. And that's what we're gonna do this week," Miss Abby said we started to clap.

"We have two days to rehearse. We're going up against people you know. You know what you have to do. One more thing Mackenzie and niacin you are both national title winners at Sheer Talent. I suggest, you bring your crown and your banner," Miss Abby says but Nia doesn't look too happy about it.

"Are you gonna bring your crown and banner?If you don't want to don't ever ask to go into another title again," Miss Abby tells Nia but Nia doesn't respond.

"Abby, why would you say that to Nia?"

"Cause I just saw the look on her face, and she's like," Miss Abby says giving a sad look.

"No, Abby she is just standing there like enough of Nia, and the criticisms, and this underlying tension in tones. And this little needling, needs to stop. Enough. I'm just saying, enough," Holly tells Miss Abby.

Miss Abby gives Holly and us a disgusted look.

"Enough. Get out. I'm not wasting anymore time," Miss Abby says to the moms.


"Are you all stretched," Harry asked as he is coming into the room.

I nod my head giving him a sad look.

"What is wrong," Harry says standing infant of me.

I just sigh whiling looking up at him, which causes him to mock me and also sigh while looking down at me.

"I'm going to lose this week," I tell him looking down.

He doesn't respond so I look up to see him really thinking about what to say next.

"Well you are with that attitude," He says and I just scoff at his respond.

"What did you want be to say 'No you're going to be alright,'" He asked looking confused.

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