Jealous Brother

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Mary's journey had been anything but ordinary. Losing her mother at eight and growing up under Derek's and Mark's guardianship, she had developed a resilience and maturity beyond her years. Now, in the hospital, Mary's journey took an unexpected turn. Initially determined to follow in Derek's footsteps in neurosurgery, having trained vigorously under him for the first few months, her rotations in trauma and cardiothoracic surgery under the mentorship of Owen Hunt and Teddy Altman captivated her. She found herself drawn to the intensity and unpredictability of these fields. 

During a complex surgery, Derek and Mary were working side by side. Derek, focused and commanding, directed, "Mary, I need you to retract here, steady and firm."

Without missing a beat, Mary responded crisply, "Yes, sir."

Mark, assisting on the other side, couldn't help but smile at her response. "Look at you, Little Shep, all professional and respectful. It's impressive."

Derek's expression, however, was more complex. Pride was there, but so was a hint of something else, perhaps a pang of jealousy.

Mary's relationship with Owen Hunt had grown stronger over the months. Derek had observed them in the ER during a high-stakes situation. An incoming patient, critical and unstable, demanded their immediate attention. Owen and Mary moved with a synchronicity that spoke of deep trust and understanding.

"Mary, I need you on the chest tube, now!" Owen's voice was firm but encouraging.

"On it, Dr. Hunt," Mary replied, her hands moving with precision and confidence.

As she worked, Owen guided her, his instructions intermingled with affirmations. "Good, that's it. Keep the pressure steady."

Derek watched from a distance, a mix of emotions swirling within him. He was proud, undoubtedly, of Mary's skills and growth. Yet, he couldn't shake off a feeling of being sidelined in her life, especially as he saw the mentorship bond between her and Owen strengthening. He could not let go of the fact that it was supposed to be him giving his sister instructions.

Later, in a rare moment of downtime, Mark found Derek in the attending lounge, deep in thought. "You okay, Derek?" Mark asked, concern in his voice.

Derek sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm proud of Mary, Mark. She's doing great, but..."

"But you miss being her mentor?" Mark finished for him.

Derek nodded. "I see her with Hunt, and I can't help but feel... I don't know, left out?"

Mark clapped a hand on Derek's shoulder. "She's growing up, Derek. Finding her own path. It's a good thing, even if it's hard for us to let go. She is not the eight-year-old kid we drove to school anymore."

Derek managed a small smile. "I know, I know. It's just hard to see your little sister not needing you as much anymore."

Mark laughed, nodding in understanding. "Trust me, I know. Broke my heart when she told me she did not want to go into plastics."

Their conversation was cut short by the sound of the pager. They exchanged a look, the unspoken language of surgeons, and headed towards the emergency room.

As the day unfolded, Mary continued to impress her colleagues with her skill and professionalism. Her interactions with Owen were marked by respect and a shared passion for medicine. Derek watched them work in the OR with a complex mix of pride and nostalgia.

Mary, under Owen's guidance, was performing a critical part of the surgery. Owen's voice was steady, guiding her. "Remember, steady hands, Mary. You've got this."

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