Chapter 12

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A large metallic fist hit the ground where Izuku just was. Luckily, he was faster than these robots, including the smaller one to three pointers scattered around. Suddenly, a large amount of ice rose from the ground and froze the Zero Pointers solid. Todoroki then ran past Izuku.

Todoroki: "Careful, they're off balance."

Izuku's eyes widened. Was he crazy? Kirishima is the only participant guaranteed to survive these robots. Instead of going forward, Izuku put his hands together and touched the ground.

Izuku: "Inorganic Animation!"

The ground around him began to move as if it was fluid before large pillars of rock and dirt shot towards the robots, catching them as the ice cracked. Izuku fell to one knee and his face markings dissappeared, he had run through Snake much faster than he intended. As other students ran past him, something wrapped around him and pulled him forward, vines. Ibara pulled him up to her lace and set him down so he could keep running.

Izuku: "Thanks!"

She gave him a small smile.

Ibara: "No need. You would have done the same."

Izuku nodded and both of them began to run faster.


Back in the commentators' booth, Aizawa and Mic sat, watching the feed.


Aizawa pulled out a small notepad and flipped a couple pages.

Aizawa: "He calls it, Inorganic Animation. In short, he's able to freely control any non-living thing in an area surrounding him. The size depends on how much energy he's willing to spend. Unfortunately for him, it seems using these techniques in such a short time has caused his quirk to deactivate. He's running the rest of the race powerless."

As the crowd reacted to this information, Mic muted their microphones.

Mic: "This Midoriya kid. He's something else."

Aizawa nodded and turned to loomat Mic through hus bandages.

Aizawa: "He is. His quirk, calling it versatile would be an understatement. From what I've seen, Toad can handle close and mid range, Snake can handle agility and long range, and Slug shines in how creative he can be with it. Apparently, he can heal wounds using Slug as well."

Mic leaned back in his chair.

Mic: "Man, your class this year is just full of heavy hitters isn't it?"

Aizawa: "The question is, how will they grow? We've both seen heroes with powerful quirks neglect training and crash and burn because of it."

Mic: "Yeah."

Aizawa: "Mic. They're coming up to the next obstacle."

The blonde man immediately sat up and turned their mics back on.



As Mic finished announcing the next obstacle, Izuku and Ibara made it to the edge of a cliff. They faced an extremely large pit with platforms a cables to cross. Izuku approached a cable and began to cross by crawling on all fours in the distance, he noticed several others doing the exact same. It took several minutes, but he was able to make it across.

As he rose to his feet, he realized he had fallen behind so he began running to catch up. A couple minutes later, he came across the next obstacle.


Izuku noticed a pattern as other students got blown back by the mines. To test this discovery, he picked up a rock and tossed it onto where he believed a mine would be. He smiled as a mine exploded. He ran towards the minefield and jumped onto the front of a mine, getting launched forwards. He repeated this process a couple more times, making it into the tunnel behind Tsunotori, Bakugo, Todoroki. Not willing to lose his place, he took off in a sprint, passing the finish line and claiming fourth place.

The rest of the students joined them quickly, with the last emerging five minutes after Izuku finished. As the race ended, Midnight reappeared on the platform.

Midnight: "Alright! Attention please!"

As everyone turned to face her, she continued.

Midnight: "Only the first forty-two move on to this next event, which is-"

She spun the wheel once more and after several seconds, it landed on Cavalry battle.

Midnight: "A Cavalry Battle! You will split into teams of three or four. Each time will have one designated rider and at least two horses. Each team will have a headband that has their total points on the front. Your objective will be to protect your own headband while either running from teams who want to take it or targeting other teams to take theirs. Taken headbands must be worn from the neck up. Get too greedy and you won't be able to see."

A holographic chart appeared in the air above her, showing names and numbers.

Midnight: "The points go up by five starting at forty second place and going all the way up to 10,000,000 points for first place!"

Izuku, along with everyone else, sent a predatory glare at Todoroki. Many just wanted to win, others had something to prove. Few, just wanted to take him down.

Midnight: "Split up and form your teams! You have fifteen minutes!"

The Cavalry Battle would start soon, and Izuku would be sure to win it.

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