Chapter 8

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Deep underground, a maze of pipes and cables that fed the USJ all of it's resources existed. It was dark and damp and the only places where it wasn't either, was scorching like a desert sun. Suddenly large hand reached out and turned a valve. The other hand, wielding a wrench then tightened a large bolt. All Might brought his fiee hand back and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

All Might: "Couldn't Thirteen make this place easier to navigate?"

He turned the valve the opposite direction, opening it back up.

All Might: "Now I can go back up! Hope Aizawa won't be too grumpy!"

He turned around and took one step, then a large vibration could be felt.

All Might: "I wonder who did that! Probably Young Tsunotori!"

He took another step, and every pipe around him began to spray water. His smile soon turned to a frown.

All Might: *Yelling* "FU-"


Izuku knocked out the last villain using before he and Ojiro made it to the exit of the fire zone. A large amount of water from the shipwreck zone flew into the air in the distance. Izuku and Ojiro saw Tsu and Tsunotori high in the air as they escaped the shipwreck zone.

Ojiro: "Looks like our classmates can take care of themselves at least."

Izuku: "Yeah."

Izuku kneeled and began to concentrate. He felt a massive amount of energy in the center, on top of Aizawa. He quickly stood and turned to Ojiro.

Izuku: "We need to go."

Ojiro: "Why?"

Izuku: "Mr. Aizawa is losing. There's a large presense in the center directly on top of him."

Ojiro: "Can't we just wait for All Might?"

Izuku shook his head.

Izuku: "All Might is down in whatever maintenance tunnels this place has. He most likely doesn't know about the attack. And think, these villains attacked a school that is known to have All Might as a teacher, they wouldn't do that unless they had a trump card that could either kill or stall him so they can do what they came to do."

Ojiro looked down in thought for a moment before looking back up with a determined look.

Ojiro: "Right. Let's save Mr. Aizawa."

They both then ran towards the center.


Aizawa's head was being held by a large beast and was erasing the quirk of a guy wearing a bunch of hands who was touching Tsu's face.

???: "You really are so cool, Eraserhead."

Tsunotori then lunged from the water.

Tsunotori: "Leave alone!" *Yelling* "Smash!"

She then threw a punch at the man. In a blur the beast rushed to it's master's side.

???: "Well aren't you the heroic one. And this smash too. Are you one of All Might's disciples? Oh it down matter. Nomu, eliminate her."

Izuku: *Yelling* "Get away from them!"

He lunged at the so called Nomu. He swung and missed.

???: "You'll never get out alive with accuracy like tha-"

Suddenly Izuku's Frog Kumite barrier hit the Nomu, forcing it's head to the side.

Izuku: "Ojiro!"

Ojiro quickly jumped in, grabbed their three classmates, and jumped away. Izuku jumped back as well and they all landed beside Aizawa. Before the man could tell Nomu to do anything else, the portal villain appeared.

???: "What is it Kurogiri?"

Kurogiri: "Forgive me Tomura Shigaraki, but one of the students has escaped. Hero back up will be here shortly."

Shigaraki then began to scratch his neck.

Shigaraki: "Kurogiri, if you weren't our warp gate I'd destroy you."

He suddenly stopped scratching and became unnervingly calm.

Shigaraki: "Oh well, no use complaining about it now. But before we leave, we may as well make our attack hurt. Nomu, destroy these pests."

The hulking creature rushed them at speeds they couldn't react. It's first target was Tsunotori, but suddenly a large amount of vines appeared beneath it, trapping one leg. Ice then appeared from it's other side, freezing it's other leg.

Izuku: "Shiozaki!"

Ojiro: "Todoroki!"

Ibara and Todoroki made their way over to the group.

Todoroki: "Is this their trump card?"

Ibara: "They're foolish if they think this thing can defeat All Might."

Izuku: "That may be true, but we must defeat it now before it gets the chance to fulfill it's purpose."

Tsu: "Midoriya's right. -kero- If this thing was made for All Might, then we should at least weaken it before he shows up."

Ibara: "Midoriya. I believe Snake will be of use here."

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: "I thought the same."

He sat down and entered his meditation pose.

Izuku: "Shiozaki will guard me. Everyone else, let loose."

With that said, a thick dome of vines surrounded Izuku and the others charged the Nomu.


A crunch could be heard as Tsunotori's arm was snapped like a twig. She sent one last horn at the Nomu, but it merely bounced off, she then fell unconscious. Tsu was unconscious next to Aizawa, Todoroki was frosted and kneeling next to a bleeding Bakugo who had joined the fight, Shiozaki was tired but otherwise unharmed. It took a lot of vines to keep the beast away from Izuku.

The still conscious of the group watched as Bakugo's latest attack on it's head, the only attack to do damage, was healed in seconds. It took note of the vine dome and rushed it. Shiozaki went to throw more vines at it, only to fall over in exhaustion.

Ibara: *Yelling* "Midoriya!"

An impact was heard. A cloud of dust was formed. Silence followed. Then a loud, hearty laughter was heard. Not the laughter of evil from the Nomu. Not soul chilling laughter of insanity and evil. No, this laughter was different. This laughter warmed their hearts, it filled their souls with hope.

As the dust cleared, it was revealed that the Nomu's fist was caught by an equally large hand that seemingly sprouted feom the concrete like a determined flower in the city. Another round of laughter was heard. Then the source lifted itself from the concrete, slowing standing to his full 7'3", his large frame standing just short of the creature's own. The large tufts of blond hair stood tall despite how drenched the man was. The smile on his face wavered only slightly in the anger that was plastered on his face.


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