Chapter 7

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Thirteen: "And this, is the USJ."

The class looked to the large facility behind her. Izuku then heard odd sounds so he looked to his side. Uraraka seemed to be geeking out over seeing Thirteen.

Uraraka: "Oh my god it's Thirteen! She's my favorite hero!"

Thirteen: "Please, join me inside."

The rescue hero proceeded to lead the class inside of the USJ. Once inside, the doors closed behind them and they looked around, amazed at how big the building really was. Thirteen began to speak once more.

Thirteen: "The USJ, short for Unforseen Simulation Joint. I created this facility to aid in the rescue training of young heros-in-training such as yourselves. While this is technically UA property, we allow any and all hero schools to use it."

Aizawa glanced around for a few seconds before walking over to Thirteen.

Aizawa: *Whispering* "Where is All Might?"

Thirteen: *Whispering* "I sent him to check on a leak the system detected. Though that was a while ago."

Aizawa groaned.

Aizawa: "Of course. The buffoon probably got lost."

Kirishima: "Whoa! They even have fake villains!"

Everyone whipped their heads around to look to where Kirishima was looking. Down at the center of the USJ was large purple portal spewing out common thugs.

Kaminari: "Did the lesson start already?"

Aizawa quickly leapt infront of the class.

Aizawa: "Get back, they aren't fake! We're being invaded!"

Izuku stepped forward and opened his mouth to speak but Aizawa cut him off.

Aizawa: "Midoriya, you need to ensure you and your classmates get out safely."

With that said, he pulled his goggles up to his eyes, and ran down the stairs towards the villain hoard. Izuku turned to face the class.

Izuku: "You heard the man! Let's go!"

They all began to run towards the exit, when another purple portal appeared, this time gaining yellow eyes.

???: "Hello, you must be Class 1-A. Do you know where All Might is? He was supposed to be here."

He gained no response.

???: "Oh well, a sudden change of schedule won't deterr us. We'll simply kill you to lure him out!"

Bakugo and Kirishima rushed him.

Bakugo: *Yelling* "Not unless we beat you!"

They attacked, but they missed his body.

Thirteen: *Yelling* "Get out of the way!"

She opened her finger caps and began to use her quirk, slowly disintegrating the misty villain.

???: "Ah, Thirteen. While you are a noble hero, your designation as a rescue specialist gives away your lack of battlefield awareness."

As he said this, he opened a warp gate behind her, causing her quirk to tear off the back of her costume and damage her actual back. Quickly becoming overwhelmed by her own quirk, she shut it off and feel to the ground.

???: "Now, for you."

He turned his attention to the class and opened several gates, many students falling in. Izuku fell in and wound up hitting the asphalt ground of the fire zone. After regaining his bearings, he stood up and found Ojiro was transported with him.

Izuku: "Ojiro! You okay!?"

The tailed boy looked to Izuku.

Ojiro: "For the most part. Any idea where we are?"

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: "The fire zone. It's on the opposite side of the USJ than the entrance."

Ojiro: "So to get back-"

Izuku: "-we need to get through whatever villains are here and either go around the center and risk running into more, or cut through the center and hope Mr. Aizawa has finished with most of the ones there."

Ojiro sighed.

Ojiro: "Should we wait for you to get ready first?"

Izuku thought for a moment before nodding.

Izuku: "Yes, we should. I'll go for Toad Sage Mode so we won't be stuck here for too long."

Izuku immediately entered a meditation pose and began taking in Nature Energy. He could only hope that the amount he's bringing in will be enough.

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