Chapter 11

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It was the day of the Sports Festival. Two weeks had passed since Class 1-A were confronted outside their classroom. Now, they were sitting inside their waiting room inside the arena used for the Sports Festival. Izuku was meditating to pull in nature energy when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see Todoroki, who clearly had something to say so he stood up.

Izuku: "Yes, Todoroki?"

Todoroki: "Midoriya. I think it's safe to say that you and me are the strongest in this class. Just know that I will defeat you today."

Izuku: "Really? A threat is all you had to say? You could've said anything else from a good luck or just a challenge. But you decided to outright claim you'll beat me and everyone else here. I know you're only talking about quirks when you say strength."

Izuku stepped closer to Todoroki.

Izuku: "To me, that makes you no different from that boy who claimed we're only here because our quirks are special. At least he's going to be trying his best in the Festival."

Todoroki's calm face flashed into anger for a split second before returning to normal.

Todoroki: "You know nothing."

Izuku: "Oh I know something alright. You're angry. Ever since the first day at UA, not a day of class has gone by where I haven't sensed the hate you hold within. You may act cold and calculating, but there is a burning rage just beneath your surface. I suggest letting go of your anger before you run out of steam and break down."

Kirishima got between them as Todoroki began to step forward.

Kirishima: "Whoa, guys! Let's all calm down!"

Izuku: "Yeah. Don't want to tire too quickly."

A buzzer in their room then sounded, alerting the class that it was their time.

Izuku: "Alright guys, let's move!"

The class all collectively got up and left the room, finding their way to a tunnel. As they neared the exit of the tunnel, they could hear Present Mic introducing them.


As the class exited the tunnel, the crowds cheered for them. The rest of the classes appeared with significantly less enthusiasm from the crowd. Izuku could feel the discontent pouring from the other classes. They had all stopped in front of a small stage with a wheel-like device on it that Midnight quickly appeared on. Needless to say, the discontent immediately dulled.

Midnight: "Welcome everyone to the first year Sports Festival! I will be the director this year! Before we begin however, Katsuki Bakugo! As the first year representative, you need to give a speech!"

Bakugo walked out from the crowd and up to the stage where the woman gave him the microphone.

Bakugo: "Alright, listen up! To all of you that I'm going to be facing today, I'm not going to hold back so you shouldn't either. And to those I won't get to face, better luck next year! I'm going to win and I won't go down without a fight!"

He handed the microphone back and walked bak to his place.

Midnight: "What an inspirational speech! Now, to choose the first event!"

She soun the wheel next to her and after a few seconds, it landed on Obstacle Race.

Midnight: "Obstacle Race! The students will have to make one full lap around the outside of the arena while having to deal with several obstacles! You can hinder each other's progress but you cannot directly attack each other! Line up at the tunnel and wait for the buzzer!"

The students did as she told them. As they waited Izuku walked over to the tired boy from two weeks prior.

Izuku: "You know, it took a while, but now I recognize you. I saw you at the entrance exam. I saved you from a group of robots with my oil."

The boy turned to look at him.

Tired: "Yeah, well as you can see I didn't get in. At least your quirk let you sort circuit them. What is yo-"

The buzzer went off and the race started.

Izuku: "See you on the other side!"

His eyes became surrounded by the purple markings of snake. He clapped his hands together and a pair of third eyelids covered his eyes.

Izuku: "White Rage Attack!"

The familiar dragon flew from his mouth and into the tunnel. It coiled around the orb and instantly incapacitated the other students, letting Izuku quickly take the lead.

Present Mic: "Whoa! I could hear that from here! What was it!?"

Aizawa: "That is an ability of Midoriya's Snake Mode. From what we've seen, it emits a blinding light and a deafening ringing."

Izuku exited the tunnel.

Aizawa: "But he'll need more than just that to get through this challenge."

Izuku stopped as a large shadow loomed over hum.

Present Mic: "That's right! Starting with Midoriya, the mechanical blood bath of Robo Inferno is about to start!"

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