Chapter 4

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Izuku had passed and now both he and Bakugo stood infront of UA's gates once more, now dressed in the school uniform and ready for classes.

Izuku: "It's hard to believe we actually did it. We made it into UA."

Bakugo: "Yeah. Now I have to listen to you nerd out for three more years."

Izuku laughed.

Izuku: "Like you could get rid of me anyway Kacchan."

Bakugo let out a small chuckle.

Bakugo: "Let's go before we're late."

Izuku: "Right."

With that said they both walked into the building. On their way to their classroom, they noticed a boy with fat lips carry a shorter boy with purple balls for hair into the 1-B classroom.

???: *Yelling* "Put me down! How dare you take me from those hot babes!"

Izuku: "At least we don't have class with him."

Bakugo: "Yeah."

After another minute they reached their door, labeled 1-A, and walked inside. Inside they found many of their classmates already there. The blue haired boy from the entrance exam was currently scolding a bird headed boy who was sitting on a desk.

Bakugo: "Oi! Four Eyes!"

He then turned to the newcomers and rushed over.

???: "That is extremely rude and unprofessional!"

Bakugo: "What middle school did you go too?"

???: "I attended Somei Private Academy!"

Bakugo: "Ah. That explains the stick up your ass Four Eyes."

???: "My NAME is Tenya Iida."

Bakugo: "Four Eyes."

Iida: "Tenya Iida."

Bakugo: "Four Eyes."

Iida: "Tenya Iida."

Bakugo: "Tenya Iida."

Iida: "Four Eyes!"

Bakugo: "Four Eyes it is. Nice to meet ya."

He then walked past Iida, Izuku following suit. Izuku then noticed Tsunotori and Ibara sitting together and walked over.

Izuku: "Hey!"

Ibara: "Hello Midoriya."

Tsunotori: "Greetings. I am happy we are together."

Izuku smiled.

Izuku: "Your Japanese is getting better."

Tsunotori: "Thanks for your tutoring."

Izuku nodded and sat down, Bakugo joining them after a couple minutes. Before long every classmate had entered the room. After another minute the door slid open and a yellow sleeping bag slithered into the room, after that it stood up and spun around to reveal a tired looking man. The man quickly emptied what appeared to be a pouch of apple sauce and let the sleeping bag fall off of him.

???: "My name is Shota Aizawa and I will be your homeroom teacher for the next three years."

He pulled out two boxes and placed them on the front podium.

Aizawa: "These are your PE uniforms. Grab them, change, and meet me at the PE grounds outside in ten minutes."

The man then left the room. The class looked around at each other in confusion for a few seconds before doing as they were told.

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