The First Day

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'Dammit!' I thought savagely, 'Why do I do this to myself?! I knew this was gonna end badly!'

Umbra was furious! He was right to suspect this stranger, but he had to admit, this was worse than what he'd been expecting! A single being, not much different than his own advisor, was capable of destroying entire universes! A mass murderer worse than any of his own subjects stood before them, acting like a victim in spite of the things he's done. It made Umbra sick.

"That's ridiculous!" Sumi scoffed. "AUs are indestructible. In fact, the AU we found you and the kids in rebuilt its code when you left! Now it's some weird amalgamation of Storyshift and Fellswap, but it's still intact, for the most part. There is no way you could destroy an entire AU without it stopping you."

Omission nodded. "You're right about that, Sumi. My AU, for all its flaws, still follows a basic code that the whole AU has to follow, no exceptions. I studied it with Neon in the years following the war, and it had been the same ever since. Until Error appeared. I suspected that my AU had finally decided to break its own rules, but that's pure speculation on my part."

"Totes right, brah," Neon chimed in. "Ya radical boi here an' Snips, we dizzity dug through all dat freshtacular info at King Umbra's castle ta all up n' do da math! It be straight up wiggity wack ta try ta kill off an entire AU, yo! AUs are totally tuned up for a beatin'!"

"I see," Umbra growled, turning to me. "How can you expect us to fall for your lies if even the multiverse itself disproves them? Whatever it is you thought you did, it seems you simply imagined it."

"B-but," I started, then stopped myself. They weren't willing to believe me. Just like before. I don't know why I'm surprised, though. It's probably been so long since I was destroying universes that they probably forgot that they could be destroyed at all! Or maybe I did imagine it all. Maybe I dreamt of everything, of living in a white hell for decades, of killing millions upon millions of people, of meeting Blueberry.... Maybe it was all in my head.

"I disagree," Lumen declared. "It isn't right to assume he imagined everything. I would have thought you'd be the first to affirm that, brother."

Umbra cast a disapproving glance to his brother, lowering his eyelight in shame when he met Lumen's disappointed glare. With a sigh, he held his hand up, and suddenly all around us turned black. An upside down heart appeared before me, floating in front of my chest and glowing brightly. It was pale yellow and blue, with a sliver of green running like a river through the middle. Surrounding it were dark blue strings that resembled the ones on my face, seemingly holding the strange thing together. Curious, I reached out my hand to touch it, but my arm wouldn't budge. I looked up at Umbra, and noticed a similar heart-shaped thing floating in front of him. Instead of being yellow and blue, it was black with highlights of blue, green, and purple. Like iridescent obsidian. I stared at both of them, completely entranced by the sharp contrast of colors to the outlines of black and white that swallowed all of the other colors up.

"Wh-what in the world...?"

Umbra suddenly snapped his fingers, uttering the word "CHECK." I looked up at the others, whose faces slowly took on more and more horrified expressions. I didn't know what they were looking at or what they were scared of, but I knew it had something to do with the floating heart in front of me.

Lumen sat in shocked silence as he read the stranger's CHECK box. For a moment, he could feel no positivity around him, and he felt suffocated by the growing concern and fear.

[Error:] God of Destruction
[Formed by entities name_Fate and name_Destiny to destroy universes and prevent the collapse of Fate's multiverse]
[program Voices.exe removed]
[program Soul_Bond.exe added]
[entities name_Nula and name_Vacía added in program Soul_Bond.exe]
[Information:] His multiverse will slowly die without him since his role is essential to its integrity. He was from an AU without monsters, and his body was changed from a human's to a monster's by Fate and Destiny so he would fit in.
[Warning! Unstable connection with server name_Mental:State! Proceed with caution!]

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