Waking up

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I stirred from my sleep and opened my eyes. A bright light made me blink a few times, but I soon got used to it. I decided to try and sit up and see where I was. In doing so, I noticed I felt... different. I couldn't remember what was normal, but something was off. I looked down at my hand and gasped.

My hand....

It has no skin!

"Whoa," I stopped myself as I heard my voice. Now that was definitely not normal. It sounded as if it had been run through a crackly, glitched out computer filter. It got more glitchy as I panicked.
"Wh-what's happening? Where am I?!"

I stood up and looked around. The place I was in was all white, nothing else as far as I could see. Now I'm officially freaked out. I looked down at my clothes. I had on a jacket, a red sweater, shorts, and slippers. It seemed vaguely familiar, but my memory remained as blank as the place I was in, no matter how hard I concentrated.

"H-hello?" I called out. No one answered. I had been standing there for... maybe a few minutes, and grew bored. I decided, meh, I'm not getting anywhere just standing here, so may as well explore. As I walked, I studied my hand. It moved and bent flawlessly, as if that was the most natural thing in the world. Then again, with how little I remember, maybe it is natural. So, why does it feel so unnatural? Have I always been like this? Why don't I remember? I checked the pockets of my shorts and jacket, hoping to find some indication of who I was or where I was, why I was here, where I was supposed to go, only to find nothing. Of course. Hey, whoever did this? You could've left me with something to remind me who I am, right? Please? What did I do to deserve this?

I continued to walk. I had the urge to look at my wrist, as if it held all the answers, and my anxiety increased when nothing was there. I started to panic, looking around at the blankness. This place... am I all alone?! That thought scared me, so I began to run. I ran as fast as I possibly could, thinking hysterically that running on just bones was bound to hurt. Instead, it felt just as natural as moving my fingers. It lifted my spirit just a little to feel a little freedom that came from running around. I realized I had no destination in mind, but I reasoned by going in a straight line, I should hit something, right?

A week of running later...

I ran, and ran, and ran. I finally couldn't run anymore, so I stopped to catch my breath. How long had I been running? Once again, I felt that urge to check my wrist, and was disappointed to find it bare. I sat down on the "floor," still catching my breath. Now what do I do? I was tired, scared, thirsty, hungry. I laid down and stared up at the endless expanse above me, trying to think of what I could do besides just run until my legs melted. Could bones melt? Best not to test it. I may need my legs in the future. Perhaps I could try calling for help? Maybe someone will hear?

"Hello?!" Ugh, my voice is so weird. I'll have to learn to get used to it.
"Is anyone out there?! Please, if anyone can hear me, I-I need help! Somebody? Anybody! Help me!"

My efforts were fruitless. No answer came, not even an echo. From what I do seem to remember, that would mean there are no walls nearby for the sound to hit and bounce off of. It was eerie and unsettling with how quiet it was. The emptiness was almost suffocating, and no matter where I turned, I could see nothing but white. My breathing quickened as my eyes(?) shrunk as they darted in every direction, and I hoped in vain that I'd see something, anything, anyone! What if I'm stuck here, alone, no food, no water, forever?


Tears streamed down my face as I screamed, begging and pleading for someone to come rescue me. My throat grew sore, and I eventually stopped. I decided to try walking again, and stood up. As I did, I heard something.

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