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In the Sun Kingdom....

Lumen, king of positivity and ruler of the Sun Kingdom, sat on his throne and rubbed his forehead. So far, his brother Umbra, the ruler of the Moon Kingdom, had sent out his scouts to locate the mysterious newcomer from the AU that popped up. He had sent out his own scouts, but they seemed no closer to finding the outcodes than Umbra's forces were. And with the stranger's skillset and abilities still largely unknown, there was a chance he posed a threat to what had been a hard won peace. Lumen had done his best to put an end to Umbra's angry tirade against the injustice he had endured, and for the good of the multiverse, he was willing to stomp out any possible danger to the prosperity he'd worked hard to achieve. Even if it meant he had to resort to violence.

He looked up as Errortale Sans, nicknamed Omission, strode in through a portal. He sat up straighter in his seat, and nodded to the glitchy skeleton. "Ah, Omission. It's good to see you. How's the search going?"

Omission straightened his cloak and folded his hands behind his back. "Not good, I'm afraid. No member of Lord Umbra's inner circle has seen any sign of the outcodes, and our scouts haven't sent in word of their findings, yet. They could be anywhere, if Sumi's information is correct. I do find it odd, though, that one of them shares a similar appearance to myself. We have speculated that they are some sort of... leftover code from my universe, but I digress."

Another portal opened, and out of it hopped Sumi. He instantly lit up when he spied Omission, and he waved excitedly. The glitchy skeleton hesitantly waved back, returning the grin Sumi wore.

"Omission!" Sumi exclaimed, bounding up to his former rival. "Nice ta see ya!"

Omission bowed slightly, relaxing a little. "The pleasure is mine, Sumi. Have you found my lookalike yet? Lord Umbra is awaiting my report, and I believe he's starting to find the idea of searching for them himself more and more appealing."

Sumi scratched his head, an apologetic smile on his face. "S-sorry, Omi. No luck. Guess finding another version of you is harder than I thought!"

He laughed boisterously, and Omission quietly joined in. A faint smile worked its way up Lumen's face as he watched the two of them. He was glad that, despite their differences and loyalties, Sumi and Omission had become friends after the war. It gave him hope that he could reconcile the kingdoms, which had split apart from the spark of outrage over the mistreatment of his brother. People started to argue which was more important, negativity or positivity, and the disputes escalated as Umbra gained more support. Lumen had tried to stop the uprising at its source, urging his brother to halt the growing unrest in their home, but it had ended in disaster. Umbra declared war, and with his new army of fanatics, he marched on the castle in which they had spent their lives. Lumen had been forced to retreat, and sought support from other AUs to help him end Umbra's vengeful reign of terror.

Lumen sighed solemnly. It was in the past now, but ghosts of whispers still lingered. The two kingdoms in Dreamtale that had formed still occasionally suffered from riots trying to reignite the fires of hatred, but they were quickly extinguished where the kings could get to them. Slowly but surely, the wounds from the war would heal, and it would only be a memory.

A portal opened, catching their attention. Out stepped Skull, who was breathless and distressed, and Lumen half rose from his seat when he sensed how nervous Skull was.

"Guys!" Skull said, taking in a deep breath and trying to calm down. "Th-the outcodes you've been looking for, th-they're in my AU!"

The positive king stiffened and looked to Sumi. The artist nodded to his king, then turned to Skull. "I'll come with you to assess the situation, Skull. If the Errortale doppleganger is dangerous, I'll need you to go get backup in case I can't handle him on my own. I've taken Omission one on one though, soooo, y'know, kinda doubt it, but just in case!"

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