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A few weeks later....

I flopped down on the edge of a pond in Starfall, hissing as my injuries were irritated. I hadn't destroyed an AU in almost a month, and Inky was starting to gain ground on me. So far, it hadn't gotten really bad, universes were still safe from crashing into each other, but I didn't know how long it would last. I had no idea how many universes were in the Doodlesphere, nor how close they were to each other, but surely I could take a break for awhile, right? The voices hadn't said anything, so I'm taking that as a sign that I don't have to do my accursed job.

I sighed, staring blankly at the water as it fell gracefully to the pond from the outcropping of rock high above me. It sparkled like the starry sky, the droplets of water glinting with moonlight. I loved this place. It was safe from the chaos, the anarchy outside this simple AU. 

But it was a lonely existence.

'Blueberry's out there, somewhere,' I thought sadly, remembering the adamant look in his eyelights when he refused to leave the Anti-Void. Why did I have to drive him away?! Why couldn't I have just accepted his help, and gone to a healer with him like he wanted?! I felt tears pool at the edges of my eyesockets the more I thought about it, and I tried to wipe them away. He's probably better off, anyway. I would only cause him harm.

I heard something shuffle next to me, and I snapped my head to the sound. My eyesockets widened as the Monster Kid of this universe jumped up, startled.

"O-oops! Uh, I didn't mean ta scare ya, mister!" they said quickly, bowing a little in embarrassment. "I was only comin' over ta s-see what ya were lookin' at with that sad look on your face."

I blinked and turned away. Monster Kid walked over and plopped down next to me, swinging their feet over the edge of the pond. I tried to ignore them, pulling my knees up to my chest. I was on break, and this kid was disrupting it!

"Soooo," Monster Kid began, dipping their feet in the cool water, "whatcha doin' all alone out here? I'm looking for Undyne! She's the coolest, and she's out patrolling for bad guys! I wanna watch her beat one up!"

I glanced at them briefly, but said nothing. If they're looking for a fight, I didn't want any part in it. I hadn't been feeling motivated to do anything in a long time now, not since Blueberry left. I had been aimlessly wandering the multiverse, trying to figure out how I would explain things to Inky. I didn't want to destroy anymore, I knew that! But nobody else knew, except Blueberry. For all I know, he's already trying to convince them. I could help him by just refusing to destroy, or pretending to get Inky's attention! That might work! I looked back at Monster Kid, who had asked me something.

"What was that? I wasn't listening."

"Yo, I was wondering if you knew any constellations? I dunno that many, and I wanna impress Undyne when I meet her!"

I raised a brow. "Why are you so obsessed with Undyne, anyway? Don't your parents ever get worried about you wandering around by yourself?"

Monster Kid looked down into the bright blue pond sadly. "I don't got parents, mister...." In a flash, they were back to smiling. "But if Undyne thinks I'm cool, maybe she'll let me hang out with her! I could be a royal guard, someday! Uh, you ok, mister?"

I stared at them. This child didn't have parents? They're an orphan.... "I-I didn't realize, I'm sorry about y-your-"

"Yo, it's alright! I've been on my own for a long time, so I know how to take care of myself! Besides, who needs parents? They just tell ya what ta do all the time, give ya bedtimes, all that lame stuff. I'm gonna become a royal guard all by myself, just like Undyne did!"

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