....of the Beginning

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In the World of the Deities....

"No!" Fate slammed his fist against the window, watching in angry frustration as Error fell into the only place in existence he couldn't access. He hadn't anticipated the glitchy skeleton would resort to something like this, especially not something this serious! He was appalled at the depths Error's mental state had dropped, and didn't know if he could've saved him even if he'd had time and the opportunity to do so. He rubbed his temples as his headache grew worse.

Destiny smirked in satisfaction. He had been watching in disappointment as Error was denied a reprieve, time and time again, from the job he hated. He could feel the ache in the glitchy skeleton's soul as he destroyed the one thing the brothers had tried to give him, and Destiny wondered, not for the first time, why Fate insisted on hurting Error more. Whatever reasoning Fate had for torturing their shared creation surely could be undone, right?

"So, brother," Destiny chirped, his hands behind his back as he skipped over to Fate. "Having trouble there?"

"If you aren't here to help me, Destiny," Fate growled, "then I suggest you get as far away from me as possible while I throw a raging fit."

"Aw, c'mon, Fate!" He said jovially, slinging his arm over his brother's shoulder. "Cheer up. Not everything's lost!"

Fate narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "What do you mean?"

Destiny chuckled, taking his arm off Fate. He walked a little ways away, then turned to him. "Don't think I haven't noticed how you treat Error, brother. I've stood by in silence as you tortured him beyond his breaking point, and now, I'm taking things into my own hands." At this, his outline, evidence of his divinity, engulfed him with a green glow as his underlying anger showed itself.

Fate stepped back, indignant with his brother's insolence. "You think I deliberately hurt Error?! What makes you think that, brother?" His own outline glowed blue, matching Destiny's in intensity.

"You have treated him horribly ever since he was created! I thought you cared about your creations, Fate!"

"I do! But he keeps pushing away my efforts to reconcile him with Inky! Every time I tried, something happens that makes him burn the bridges I've set up, and cut ties with people I've deliberately placed in his path! I don't understand what is making him do this!" He sighed, trying to reign in his temper, then turned a despairing look to Destiny. "Now he's thrown himself into the Void, and we'll never see him again!"

Destiny's green outline dimmed, and he gaped at his brother in surprise. It seemed insane to think Fate was actively trying to make Error's life better, when Destiny was doing the same! Those sneakers he placed in Error's path weren't an accident, nor was his magic hoodie. Destiny had even enchanted those strings to become a rainbow of color if Error so wished them to be, giving him much more variety in the making of those adorable puppets of his! And yet, here was Fate, insisting he was doing everything in his power to resolve the war between the creator and the destroyer! It was unheard of, impossible!

At length, he sighed harshly. "That's... not entirely true. I did a little manipulation of my own, and tied a string on his soul that I could travel along. I allowed him to fall into the Void, so I could help him heal."

Fate's face lit up. "That's great! We can bring him back and urge him to speak to Inky-"

"Ah ah ah," Destiny held a hand up. "Not so fast, Fate. At this point, we have been unable to convince the creator or any of his allies to stop and listen for a moment, and Error knows it. He won't go to them either, fearing they would just attack him. So, we need to undo the damage inflicted on his mind, as well as his body. Then, and only then, can we hope to put a stop to the fighting."

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