Chapter 12

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10th August 2022

As I walked through my front door, waving the girls off after being dropped home from the airport I immediately felt exhausted. The non-stop drinking and frequent late nights had finally caught up with me. I dumped my suitcase in the kitchen and swiftly took myself upstairs. I had a quick freshen up shower and got changed into a powder pink silky co-ord. I made my way back downstairs to check the house was securely locked and went straight to bed.

11th August 2022

As I woke, my mind still filled with laughter and shared secrets from Ibiza, I decided to get myself up and out for a run. By 9.30 I had, had a quick snack and was out the door. I decided to run my normal 5 mile route but instead of my house, I decided to finish in town to grab a coffee and some breakfast. As I neared the end of my run, through the charming streets of St Albans, I felt good, I was happy that I made the decision to not stay in bed all morning.

I entered the café and scanned the counter for something to eat. Just as I was about to place my order, my eyes were drawn to the figure standing next to me. As fate would have it, I unexpectedly laid eyes on a very familiar face. 'Leah?' I questioned. Our eyes met, sparking a delightful mixture of surprise and anticipation. 'Bella!' Leah replied pulling me straight into a cuddle. 'Ooo, I wouldn't if I was you! I'm very sweaty. I've just finished my run and getting breakfast on the way home.' I chuckled slightly. 'Oh don't worry about that Bels, I'm sweaty 95% of the time - I am an athlete remember.' The blonde jibbed back sarcastically. 'Don't suppose you fancy eating in do you? I could use some company?' Leah quickly added. 'Yeah, sure! What you having? This one's on me?' I almost instantly responded. The café had a warm ambiance and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee creating an inviting atmosphere. We settled into a corner booth, exchanging smiles that spoke volumes of our growing connection.

Conversation flowed effortlessly, our laughter filled the air, blending seamlessly with the hum of conversation around us. My gaze lingered on Leah, appreciating the easygoing nature that makes her so enticing. 'This is going to sound really pathetic.. I actually missed you a little bit' I confessed full of embarrassment. 'Ditto B' Leah responded before I even finished speaking.

Over steaming cups of coffee and plates of delicious breakfast, Leah and I discovered common interests and dreams. 'Are you close with your family?' Leah asked scooping up the last bit of her breakfast. 'Really close! From what I can see, you have a beautiful relationship with yours.' I stated. 'Yes, we're all so close which is really lovely. My brother is a few years younger than me but he's my best friend! Do you have any siblings?' Leah explained unable to hid her toothy grin. 'That's so lovely!' Unfortunately not, mum and dad were lucky to have me. They struggled to convince for quite some time! I can't lie, I would've died for a sibling.' Leah gave me a sympathetic look 'that's really sad. What a gift they were given though, having you as a daughter.' My cheeks turned pink, 'I mean it Bels, you really are one of the most genuine, kind and friendly humans I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.' Leah spoke again. 'Pleasure is all mine Williamson.' I replied with a wink.

Once we had finished our breakfast, we ventured beyond the cozy café, exploring the charming streets of St Albans having established that we both had to walk the same direction home. We shared stories and dreams, I discovered the layers of Leah's personality, each revelation deepening my affection. Our walk through a park became a canvas for stolen glances and lingering touches. I found solace in Leah's company, she gave small gestures that spoke volumes – a shared smile, and a gentle touch on the small of the back.

Leah and I found ourselves drawn together by an invisible force, a magnetic connection that only strengthened with time. Leah insisted on walking me home. As we neared my front door, a sudden serge of confidence igniting inside me 'don't suppose you want to come in?' I quietly asked. Leah checked her watch. 'If you have other arrangements don't be afraid to say no!' I reassured her with a sweet smile. 'I would love to!' She simply responded. 'I'll never get over how stunning this house is Bella' Leah spoke honestly. 'Thank you so much! A lot of work went into this house - although please excuse my suitcase still dumped there from last night.'

A few hours passed, I managed to grab a quick shower and change into a pair of black leggings with an oversized hoodie thrown on top. Leah and I decided to watch a film. It felt light déjà vu, from when Leah came to watch my netball match, from our first kiss. This time though it was different, we were both comfortable in one another's company. I threw myself into the sofa, sitting the opposite side to Leah 'oh' she sighed. I looked at her with one raised eyebrow, she opened her arms and simply said 'I thought we could cuddle.' She didn't have to say another word, within about 20 seconds I was snuggled up with her arms tightly around me.

Leah POV

Waking up this morning was hard, I managed to drag myself out of bed and headed downstairs. When I opened the fridge I loudly groaned at myself for having literally nothing to eat. I went upstairs, had a quick shower and threw on some jogger grey shorts, a blue Nike hoodie and a black cap.

When I arrived at the café in town, I had no idea what was about to happen. 'Leah?' I was startled by the most comforting voice that I immediately recognised as Bella. We had a few more exchanges before I thought I'd be bold, taking a deep breath, I hesitantly asked 'don't suppose you fancy eating in do you?' To my amazement Bella accepted the offer. Much to my dismay Bella insisted on paying for our breakfast.

As we ate our food and got to know one another on a more personal level, I couldn't help but stare at her. The way her eyes lit up when talking about her family. The way she consciously playing with her hair when she felt nervous. The way she covered her mouth when she giggled. When I look at Bella I see a strong, intelligent and beautiful woman but the one thing about her I appreciate the most is Bella's kindness and the genuine intentions she behind every decision she makes.

I felt my heart flatten when I realised we had arrived at Bella house, I wanted to walk Bella home as I didn't want our time together to finish. Bella caught me by surprise when she invited me inside. Just that question alone caused butterflies to erupt inside my stomach. All of those events, have brought me to now - lying on the sofa, with my arms firm wrapped around her not wanting to be anywhere else but here.

Bella POV

Just as the movie was about to start, I carefully pulled myself out of Leah's arms. Looking into her deep blue eyes that managed to captivate me every time, her eyebrows knitted together 'you ok?' She asked while tenderly stroking my arm. 'I'm fine, I was going to grab some snacks and a blanket before the movie starts. How does that sound?' I queried smiling at her, placing my hand on top of her.


Leah nodded whilst her eyes travelled down to my hand touching her, a goofy smile appearing on her face. I lent in and kissed her cheek 'give me 2 minutes!'

Leah and I nestled comfortably on the sofa, wrapped in a cozy blanket sharing laughter and popcorn, watching our favourite movie. The soft glow of the screen illuminated Leah's smile, creating the perfect moment for me to steal glances at her every so often. The warm tones from the screen highlighted Leah's face perfectly and I struggled to keep my eyes on the film.

Leah's hands slowly running through my hair, her breathing was calm and she had a smile on her face that hadn't left since we ate breakfast together. Her eyes dancing along with the image in-front of her, I really was in a trance. My smile grew bigger the more I took in her natural beauty. It was like everything was in slow motion, the way her long, curly eyelashes batted open and shut. Leah soon moved her eyes, this time focusing all her attention on me. Our eyes locked, her hand had moved and was wrapped around my waist. I began to feel giddy, like a teenager forming their first crush.

I bowed my head slightly, breaking our eye contact but Leah's finger under my chin fixed the loss of contact. I don't know what came over me but as soon as our eyes reconnected my lips were on hers. The kiss wasn't like any of the others we've shared before. It was needy, passionate and hungry. My legs soon straddled Leah's waist and her hands had a firm grip on my thighs, only intensifying the warmth between my legs.

Her hands slowly moved higher up my legs until one was finally placed on my bum. I giggled slightly at her action 'just can't help yourself huh?' I mumbled against her lips. Leah responded by reconnecting the kiss. Her hands moving all over my body, our breathing was out of control, one of my hands tightly interlocking with hers, the other caught up in her hair. Her hands moved back to my thighs, this time pulling me impossibly closer. The kiss was dangerous and was leading to much more than just a kiss, if I'm being completely honest there is nothing I want more than Leah right now.

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