Chapter 2

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July 22nd 2022
'Happy birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Bella,
Happy Birthday to you'

That was all I heard when I got woken up this morning, once I peeled my eyes open I saw my two best friends and their gleaming smiles.

'Thank you angels' I croaked. I sat up rubbing my eyes when Nat reappeared in my bedroom, in her hand she held a birthday breakfast platter. 'C'mon you two! I can't eat all this by myself!' I said to my friends whilst tapping the empty space on my bed.

It's just turned 8.30pm and our Uber is due to be here at any moment. We're heading out for some drinks to celebrate my birthday.

I made sure that each of us had our own rooms in the apartment I rented out for this weekend - if tonight ends how most of our nights out end, Em and Nat will definitely have company.

'Bella, what's the chances of you actually bringing someone back with you tonight?!' Nat said whilst applying her last bit of mascara.

'Guys, I don't need bring anyone back with me to have had an 'enjoyable' birthday' I stated using my fingers as quotation marks for the enjoyable part.

'Oh come on Bella, you won't see him again!' Emily sighed rolling her eyes.

'I'm over boys, I'm over people trying to hit on me and I'm over you two keep banging on at me about a one night stand!' I replied.

As if it was fate my phone pinged to let me know the Uber was outside.

'Let's go losers.' I shouted halfway out the front door.

We've just arrived at the venue, all three of us sharing a knowing look as we tried to find a clear pathway to the bar.

'Shots?' Nat yelled above the music. Em and I gave her a thumbs up to confirm our decision.

Whilst Em and I found a small table in the corner of the room, Nat came bounding over with a tray full of shots. I took a sharp inhale and prepared myself for the messy evening ahead.

The more shots we had, the more I began to feel myself relax and the more I stopped thinking about how much I despise men right now.

We were now stood dancing around our table, Nat and Emily screaming along to the Spice Girls.

We soon moved to the dancefloor and I was definitely beginning to feel the affects of the amount of alcohol I had consumed. Emily had already found herself grinding on her 'dream man'.

Nat and I dancing the night away enjoying our time together. That was until I felt a pair of hands on my hips. Without looking I backed myself into the person who was giving me the attention I was very much enjoying. Nat smirked at me and went back off to the bar to get another round in.

The figure I was dancing with (well more grinding on) brushed my hair to the side exposing my neck. I felt their lips brush against my neck, sending goosebumps down my spine.

'You know what? That outfit you're wearing is driving me insane' I was slightly taken back when I heard the softly spoken voice of a women. The alcohol had definitely started to work because I didn't actually mind that a woman was hitting on me and I was kind of lavishing in it.

The woman spun me around, our faces inches apart. Her hands moving from my waist to my bum. She has a firm but gentle grip on me, I felt the flush of pink cover my cheeks.

'You think so.' I replied sounding much more seductive than it was meant to.

'Hmmm, I think I might like what's underneath it much more though' she replied winking.

I'm not sure if it was the alcohol or curiosity that took over me but I felt myself biting down on my lip and I leant in to kiss the woman whose name I didn't even know yet.

As I turned around, my friends looking at me in disbelief, I winked and held my phone up to them. Showing them I had messaged to tell them I would be heading back the apartment and that I was not alone.

As I faced the women who had me feeling thing I never had before, she looked at me with glistening eyes and whispered 'shall we?'.

I swiftly took her hand and we left the bar heading back to my apartment.

We got into the Uber, we made some small talk. 'I'm Bella by the way! Sorry, I don't think I caught your name?' I said with a sudden urge of confidence.

Her piercing blue eyes seeing right through to my soul. 'Amy' she whispered whilst squeezing my thigh.

We finally make it back the apartment after a pretty flirty car ride home. As I unlocked the front door a loud screech left my mouth.

Amy has scooped me off my feet, my hands around her neck, legs around her waist. She attacked my lips allowing me no time to catch my breath, my bedroom flung open and she threw me on the bed.

Amy then straddled my lap, once again attaching herself to my lips, practically ripped my clothes off my body.

I flipped us over and was now on top of her. She stared up at me with hunger in her eyes. I removed her clothes, kissing each part of her skin that I touched.

The both of us now only in our underwear. I trailed kisses from Amy's lips, to her jaw and then to her neck. My hands exploring her body. He hands firmly glued to my hips.

As I made my way down her neck, over her breasts and down her toned stomach I looked at her for consent as I reached her waist.

'What are you waiting for?' Amy said with a cheeky grin. 'Is this okay?' I asked sheepishly. Amy didn't answer me, she simply guided my hands to her core. I quickly removed her underwear, my hands running further up her thigh. I felt her breath hitch and whimpers coming from her mouth.

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