How to take care of a sick teenager

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Peter woke up with a headache. After a few seconds he started coughing. It was seven, which meant May had already been at work for half an hour. He went to get a tissue to blow his nose. Yes, definitely an illness, the first time after a spider bite which was a year and a half ago.....well he decided to call her.
P: Mayyyy?

M: You are sick

P: how do you know that?

M: every time you say Mayyyy, you feel sick. Be home today, okay? I will call the school.

P: well, bye

M: Bye bye
He hung up and collapsed on the bed. It's going to be a great day. He also wrote to Ned that he was sick and that he would not come to school.
I called the school about Peter's absence. I don't like that Peter is home alone when he's sick...I'll write to Tony. After all, only Peter spends a lot of time there now. I dialed his number.
T: May?

M: Hi Tony please do you have time today?

T: yes why?

M: Well, Peter is sick and I wanted to ask-

T: yes, I'll definitely look at him

M: really?

M: thank you very much

T: you're welcome May

The call ended and I went back to work. I hope Peter doesn't kill me...
May called me that Peter is sick and so I'm sitting in the car heading to Peter's home. I'm only now realizing that I've never cared for a sick child, aaaand it can be done! I arrived and went to ring the bell. Peter opened the door for me, but he really didn't look his best.....he had glassy eyes, a red nose and had just started coughing.
"Mr. Stark? What are you doing here?"
"May called that you caught something... so here I am," I answered.
"oh.. then come in" I went in. Now I can't get over the fact that he was coighin a lot. When I entered I was immediately attracted by the pile of pillows and blankets in the living room by the couch.
"What is it?" he looked over there, this? I always do that when I'm sick." What's the point?
"Are you building a bunker out of pillows and blankets??" he sneezed.
"Can I help you?" he blinked at me,
"of course" I smiled at him, "so what are we waiting for?"
Well, I won't write here how sick I am. I was wrapped in a blanket. We have now completed the bunker. Mr. Stark is making me soup now... hope it doesn't burn here. May would then kill us both. And while I'm talking about it, May is calling me right now.
"yeah May?" "yeah he's here making me soup now... I'm waiting for the fire to start" I said
"I can hear it young man!" I laughed and immediately coughed at it.
"I larb you too bye ." I ended the call. Mr. Stark came to me with a glass of water, "I'll make the soup again.. you were right, it caught on fire" I laughed and took a drink of water. Mr. Stark put his hand on my forehead, "I'll take your temperature one more time" and went to get the thermometer . It's nice how he takes care of me.
I took Peter's temperature. When I arrived it was 37.8 degrees Celsius. Well, now it is 37.5, so it is better a little bit. I preferred to order the soup. The bell rang, Peter was getting up to open the door,
"hey! What do you think you are doing? You sit." he listened to me. And I went to open the door, was it his friend named Ted? I guess so.
"hello Ted" "eeeeee good day Mr. Stark! I brought the assignments to Peter"
"Oh thanks" "see you!" "Bye.." well physics and mathematics. "Peter? Ted brought you assignments" "Mister Stark it's not Ted, it's Ned"
Now I brought Peter's tasks and Tony Stark opened for me! And he remembers my name!!!
"ok I'll remember"
"you already ate that soup"
"Y *sneeze* yeah" I went to put the bowl in the sink
"and I know you ordered it!" the boy just knows everything....
,,fine! I ordered it... And you slandered me, May, so we're even," he chuckled. And he went to do probably the homework.
I was watching TV with Peter. Fine, I was watching TV... Peter fell asleep a while ago. I finally fell asleep too.
"I'm home" she said and then she noticed two people sleeping on the couch. She took a photo. And went to turn off the TV. "You know Tony maybe I'll let you adopt him" she just whispered to the silence. And she smiled. Then she went to sleep too.

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