Tony's nightmare

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The Avengers were eating breakfast. They were having a normal time, having a conversation about the next mission. Suddenly Peter came into the kitchen.
He looked terrible, as if he had just come out of the grave. He was covered in blood. Tony was horrified. The others didn't seem to notice him. Peter also sat down at the table.
"God, Peter, are you hurt?! Does it hurt?!" Tony asked. Peter turned his head to him, "Don't worry Tony, I'm not in pain anymore. I'm dead. Yeah and I thank you for that." He then smiled.
Tony jolted awake. He calmed down for a while until he noticed the tears. He got out of bed and walked over to Peter. He opened the door, controlling himself not to knock it off the hinges. Peter was sleeping. Tony sat on the edge of the bed and relaxed, Peter was breathing.
He smiled at him. His baby boy lived and breathed. He looked at the clock, it was a little after midnight, so it was already Saturday.
Peter stayed in the tower from Friday to Sunday. He sat there for a while.
Peter suddenly rolled onto his other side so there was plenty of room next to him. Tony thought, finally laying down next to Peter.
Peter immediately hugged him automatically, Tony just smiled even more.
He hugged Peter and kissed his hair.
"I won't let anything happen to you" he whispered.
Peter fidgeted
"mmm dad" he said from sleep. Tony was startled and hugged Peter even more. Then he just felt how slowly he was falling asleep, or maybe fast?
Tony didn't notice that anymore. And if the Avengers found them sleeping snuggled together in the morning, no one objected. ~The end.

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