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Peter walked out of school and was headed to Stark Tower, he was staying there now before Aunt May came back from abroad for her work, he arrived there.

"FRIDAY?" he asked the AI,

 "Yes Peter?" answered A.I. 

"no thanks" he said remembering that mr stark said he would be in the living room he went to the lift he said FRIDAY what floor to take him to and he is already in the lift the lift doors opened but mr stark nowhere, 

"Um.. Mr. Stark?" Nothing. 

"Hello?" he suddenly heard a meow he walked over to the sound and found it was coming from the couch? That was weird and he walked closer to the couch only to be met by seven kittens but it looked weird but to be fair they had hair too!? but they were cute .

"Hello kittens!" "Then what are you doing here???" asked Peter and then only the kittens that looked like Iron-man's armor came to him and started to snuggle up to him, Peter started petting him, he already had an idea of ​​what was going on here, but he had to make sure. 

He looked at the kitten and said: "Mr. Stark?" the kitten didn't respond

,,Tony??" he asked again, now the kitten perked up, 

"Ah, well, you can jump from joy, you made me allc you by your name" he said humorously and the kitten purred, 

"yes, definitely Tony" and smiled 

"So" he said as he looked at the other kittens "Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Sam, Bucky, Steve.. the rest of the Avengers are either somewhere in the world or off our planet" then he started counting them.

 "seven... Hmmm ... Yes, it fits" he said and got up, went to the kitchen and poured water into two bowls, the kittens wrapped themselves around his legs one by one as if thanking them and went to the bowls, then they started to drink, Peter didn't know how it happened, now he would he took Clint as help. 

Yes he would take Clint! 

He has to think of something, something weird happened. 

He went to sit on the sofa and took out his English assignment from his backpack, the kittens came to him, Tony sat next to Peter and cuddled up to him , Peter took his cell phone and took a lot of photos, 

"when he sees it" he chuckled to himself, but he smiled, he started his task, he didn't even know how it happened, but he finally fell asleep. The Catengers (avengers + cats understand each other :P) snuggled up next to Peter on the sofa so as not to wake him up, Tony got up from his place and went to the blanket and took it in his mouth and dragged it behind him to Peter, finally the others helped him to cover Peter, Kitty Tasha (:P) looked up at the ceiling and FRIDAY took a photo, eventually the Catengers fell asleep next to Peter.

When Peter woke up the next morning he didn't expect the kittens to be sleeping at his place, he looked at the clock 11:00 but it's Saturday, it wouldn't turn out well if he forgot to go to school, the Catengers were still sleeping.

Peter decided to make up a mixture that can turn the Avengers back to their human form, he took a paper and a pencil and started writing, Tony was the second to wake up and he was immediately interested in what Peter was up to, when he looked at the paper he immediately understood what Peter was planning and meowed, Peter turned his head at the meowing, smiled and scratched Tony's ear, laughed.

"hehe..I wonder if you'll remember it,... By the way FRIDAY are you recording it??" 

"Yes Peter I've been filming it since you came yesterday from school" Peter nodded and went back to the equation while Tony snuggled up on his lap the others woke up after a few minutes and went to play they finally beckoned Peter to play with them too so Peter started playing with them he did a lot of photos that day, he got the idea for a Christmas present for the Avengers. After four hours he went to the lab to try the equation, Tony and Bruce were on his heels, they watched as Peter made the mixture that would return them to normal. After an hour Peter was done and poured the substance into a bowl of water which the Catengers immediately started drinking 

"It should start working in a few hours, I didn't have enough of a few ingredients" he said and went to sit on the couch again this time he turned on the TV, Tony was in moment with him watching the hunting season with him the rest joined them after a while. Finally Peter fell asleep again but this time he was lying on the couch, the Avengers transformed back after he fell asleep. Tony smiled sweetly at Peter, the others were sleeping on the floor , because they slept like cats there and Tony took a picture, turned back to Peter and decided to carry him to bed, so he did.
He laid Peter on the bed and covered him, walked around the bed and kissed Peter on the forehead, then whispered.

 "I'm proud of you kid" Catengers (as the group then started calling each other, but that's what Tony started calling them and those who weren't transformed liked that) were grateful to Peter and Tony was prouder than any other da-mentor in the world and he was happy about it.

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