How to like a dragon

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It looked like basic patrol. But It wasn't. And there is story about strong friendship!

I was swinging through New York, when i heard strange noices. I have never heard that noice before so I swung my way there.

I arrived to one alley and saw in the corner some dragon. I shrugged, normal.



I knelt down next to him"hello brat, what are you doing here all alone?" the dragon put his head to the side confused, the dragon was white and had black stripes on it with blue eyes, but I can't talk to dragons, so what, Mr. Stark won't mind a pet, right?

I won't let him.I'm in a few seconds, I took the dragon in my arms and started walking towards Avenegers Tower, where I now live with the Avengers, May lives in Japan with Happy, I'm glad he's happy, she even spoke as much as possible, I didn't even before long I was standing in front of the Avengers Tower, 

I still had the dragon in my arms, now I realized how crazy my idea was, god Mr. Stark is probably going to kill me, I swung into one more alley to change into 'civilian' clothes, then I walked out with by dragon to Avengers Tower, the elevator took me up to the living room, I was preparing a speech in my head, but it got worse and worse, he'd rather improvise, he won't really tell them, the dragon's tongue was sticking out now, I laughed, now I'm he remembered something, damn what if he spits fire!???

I'ĺl solve this later...


the elevator stopped i walked forward to the living room the avengers were sitting there watching a movie i looked with my eyes aaa there is mr stark.

"Mr. Stark?" I had the little dragon behind me.

"what kiddo?" erm, I pulled the dragon in front of me.

,,Can we keep him!??" Now the rest were looking at me too, all in shock, but that's what I could expect when I bring home a DRAGON, a prehistoric creature, from fables and so on...

"no" mr stark said i put on puppy dog ​​eyes.

"Please" I watched as Mr. Stark gave up.

"Fine, but I won't feed him-" I quickly hugged him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he hugged me back.

"you're welcome" and I went to my room with the dragon, as I was leaving I heard Mr. Stark say.

"Where for Christ's sake did he get the dragon!??" I laughed, I was in the room and closed the door, what do dragons eat?

Meat probably, or some food for dragons??

Sure Peter, people make food for dragons normally, don't they?

"yes that's true"so what am I going to call you hm" 

I looked at him he was chasing his tail he was cute I snapped my fingers I thought of a great name!

"Web" the dragon came to me and licked me, it made me laugh, he probably liked the name.

"Okay, Web, we'll find out what you're eating" I opened the door, Web obediently walked next to me, I came to the kitchen, I knew that the Avengers were watching me, I opened the refrigerator, I took out the meat first, he moved away from it, finally I chose vegetables he didn't want it either, the last option was fruit, I took an apple and threw it at him, luckily he started eating it,

 I already liked Web a lot, oopss, I have to find out if he breathes fire, but the only thing I could think of was to ask Friday.

,,um, Friday? Do you think he breathes fire?" I could sense the Avengers looking at us.

"According to my scans, this dragon doesn't spew fire, but webs and perfectly controls them, so no incident will happen," said Friday, and I was proud of the name I chose for Webhe has  wings!?

That's so cool. I took him in my hands and set off for the Avengers.

"Well, he's cute!" I said with a smile.

"God forbid if you teach him those eyes!" it was Mr. Stark and I laughed, the dragon stuck out his tongue again, I sat down next to Mr. Stark and put the dragon on my lap, then I paid attention to the movie that was playing in television.

It's been a week since I found Web and everyone fell in love with him, he was my best friend, that reminds me, Ned stopped hanging out with me a month ago, he joined Flash's party, I was sad then, but Mr. Stark held me , like the rest of the Avengers, now my best friend was Web and then MJ, who was my best friend, so I had friends over, we were having dinner, Web was loading up on fruit while we, I mean me and the Avengers, had chicken salad.

"Pete?""um" I turned to Tony"What are we going to do when the Web grows up?" he asked, I knew the answer to that, I found it out a long time ago

"Web will never grow, it will always be this small" I said with a smile.

"In that case" Tony smiled"It's time to go to bed" he said pointing at me and Web"okie dokie" I took Web in my arms
"Good night" and I gave Mr. Stark a kiss on the cheek, I just thought of it so I did and went to my room with Web
,,yeah bro, time to go to bed" I laid down in bed and Web lay down next to me and snuggled up to me, like every night, then I fell asleep and so did Web.


That kiss from Peter surprised me, I won't lie, but it warmed my heart, I decided to go see him, lately he has been going to 'Spideymise' with Web, they are really an inseparable couple, I opened the door to his room, I smiled, when i saw peter and web sleeping snuggled together i came to peter and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you Pete" Web stuck out his tongue, I rolled my eyes.

"yeah and you Web"

"but Peter is Peter sorry"

I thought, Web stuck his tongue back in, I walked away, I loved my little boy, even though I'm not his biological father I'd do anything for him just to see his smile.


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