I am boredddd

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Peter was on his internship with Tony. He was sitting in a swivel chair doing a history assignment. But he realized that he was quite bored...how he hated history. It wasn't once that he fell asleep during history and Ned had to wake him up before their teacher noticed. Peter had lost count of how many times this had happened..
Peter turned to Tony. Tony took a moment to see what was going on. Peter just stared at him. Okay that's weird, he thought and went back to his work. Five minutes passed and Tony had had enough.
"Why are you staring at me like that, kid? Is something wrong?" and looked away from his work. Peter kept looking at him.
"I'm boredddd, I would never believe that I would say this here. In Tony Stark's workshop! But it is so. I'M BORED..." Tony raised an eyebrow
"Okay, so what would you like to do???" he saw a hint of an idea in Peter's eyes
"Mister Stark, We'll cook something!" Tony stared at him like a ghost
"Are you kidding me?!" Peter shook his head 'no'.
"no" Tony told Peter. Peter smirked and put on puppy dog ​​eyes. "please Tonyyyyyyy, please please Tonyy" it was so hard for Tony to resist those eyes. Why THE HELL CAN HE DO PUPPY ONES!?
"Fine" he said defeated and Peter smiled.
"but if the kitchen explodes, is it your fault, obviously?" He allowed it also because of the way he addressed Tony.
Tony had recently given up trying to get him to call him that a month ago. He was resigned to being called 'Mr Stark' forever. And now he told him twice in a row.
He had to let him. Tony probably wouldn't admit it right away if asked, but he treated Peter like a total dad.
Peter ran to the elevator and waited for his mentor. Tony smiled. And he went to Peter's. The elevator reached the kitchen, which was in a room connected to the living room.

"so what are we going to cook" Tony asked
"How about spaghetti?" Tony nodded, "okay, that shouldn't be difficult at all".
Tony took the pasta from the shelf and the other ingredients. He had Peter cut the vegetables. Peter went fast.
Peter almost had a fit of laughter at Tony's inability to open that package of pasta.
"You know what kid? It's quite fun" and went to get a drink of water. Peter looked at the stove. and damn!
"Mr.- Tony!" Your sauce is on fire!" Tony turned quickly
"Damn it!" and began to put out the fire. When it burned down, they looked at each other.
"I guess this will be spaghetti with vegetables huh?" Tony said and Peter started to chuckle. Tony took a handful of spaghetti and threw it at Peter.
"HEY!" Peter had spaghetti in his hair and it was falling on his face.
"awwww. Fri take a picture" Peter took some spaghetti from himself
"You'll pay for it." Spaghetti was already flying at Tony. He grimaced
"how do you wish bug.."
"spiders are -" another handful of spaghetti for Peter. They started throwing the pasta at each other. Peter started laughing and running away from Tony.
He was out of ammo and Tony still had plenty.
"Hang on a minute!" said Tony who was also giggling. He couldn't laugh with anyone like he did with Peter.

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