Career day

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I was working on one of my projects in my workshop when suddenly my mobile started vibrating, I looked to see who was calling me, it was May, Peter's aunt, without hesitation I picked up.

"I hope my- that boy is okay" Tony thought just before he picked up the phone


M- Tony? You have time tomorrow, I mean in the morning

T- probably why?

M- Peter is at school tomorrow, a day when parents or guardians go to school and talk about their work, but I can't tomorrow, because we have a busy day at work and I was wondering if you would -

T- Sure! I mean, I'll be happy to come

M- seriously!? Thanks a lot, I'll text you what time to be there, yeah, and don't tell Peter yet, as such a surprise, bye Tony

T- Hi May.

May then hung up, my phone rang, a message from May with everything I needed to know, I went to bed.



I woke up then realized it's Career day and May can't, great Flash won't let me rest today.May has a lot of work and I knew she wouldn't be able to, but it wouldn't be the first time she couldn't, so I'm fine with it, but in a way, it's just when I see parents there hugging their children, well, I feel sad, well nothing i got out of bed.

In a little while I was on my way to school, I took the bus like every day, I think I'll want a bike for Christmas, a cheaper one, maybe from carbage!

Yeah good idea, I went to the class, yeah the parents were already there with their kids, MJ and Ned waved at me and their parents smiled at me, I waved and smiled too, I went to sit in the last desk like every year, really May was only here once when I started coming here, but I don't blame her, she has a job and I don't need her to come to Career day with me.when I know she likes me, the first parents went to the stage, to my outrageous luck, Flash went with them, so I correct myself, Flash's parents went there, followed by three more couples, this is going to be a long day, suddenly the door opened, the listener fell beard even to those who sat in the first pews.

 What is it?

Then my heart almost stopped when that 'someone' walked into the classroom, it was Mr. Stark

"is this peter's class?" i ​​looked at flash he looked capable of murder, mr stark looked at me

"ah, hello Underoos" and walked over to me, eyes never leaving our eyes, smiled at me and sat next to me

"sorry, I didn't make it earlier and-" I quickly hugged him, he hugged me back

,,Thank you"

"no problem kiddo" we went back to listening to the presentations, people weren't looking at us anymore but I knew they turned right after I said thank you, Ned stared at me with awe on his face, I looked at MJ, beaming she smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up then she mouthed 'you're still a Loser' I smiled at her.

"Come on Peter and Mr. Stark, now it's your turn" Mr. Stark put his hand on my shoulder and already led me to the step, Mr. Stark started talking about what he does, as Iron-man and how he works in the workshop, then he also talked about as I help him there, then he turned to me, smiled brightly, I smiled back, we went back to the bench where we were sitting, Flash was standing behind the bench and damn, I sat down.

 "Hey Parker! how much did you pay tony stark to come here ooo wait you don't even have socks!" i noticed mr stark was listening 

 "What did you say?!" he looked at Flash with a look that would make even Black Widow cringe 

 "um nothing sir"

 "I'd say yes, what did you say he didn't even have socks on?" he was now talking over the whole class and everyone turned to us 

 "Now listen to me carefully Eugene, leave my son alone" 

  What, how did he tell me that!? wait wait 

 "Your s-son's?!" 

 "Yes, my son! And shouldn't you be with your parents?" Flash immediately went to his parents, I had to ask. 

 "D-Did you mean it?" I looked at him.


"D-did you mean it?"

i looked at peter i smiled"of course I meant it Pete" Peter smiled at me, the rest of the day Peter just smiled and that was enough to make me happy. ~End.

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