Chapter 16: A Sentimental Captain

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It had been days since they arrived on earth for their so-called vacation.

Which was actually a guise for their transition of permanently being residents back to their home planet.

Cahaya still felt a sense of unfairness from it all.

But of course, he wasn't some immature kid that went and ignored his brothers as a form of passive-aggressive reaction.

Instead, he continued treating them like how he used to- because he wasn't petty like that.


"Cahaya, can you help me carry the laundry?"

"You have two hands, Tanah. Don't tell me you can't figure out simple solutions to simple problems."


"Hey, Grandpa wants to meet us at his shop. Do you want to go together?"

"You suddenly need a babysitter to go with you, Petir?"


"I just baked a new batch of cookies~ do you want some?"



"Hey, nerd! Can you teach me-"

"Would you stop being so stupid enough that you keep forgetting to use your own brain?!"


"Cahaya, can you get my ice cream-"

"Use your ability to move, Air. Your laziness is undignified."


"Uhm... do you want to look at how my garden's going, Cahaya?"

"You should be able to tell if it's a wilting mess by now. You don't need me for that, now do you, Daun?"


Their inability at getting used to his impeccable logic (sass) was honestly not his problem. Even if they (Daun) ended up crying over how harsh he thought they were being.

Honestly, maybe it was for the best they quit TAPOPS , since a few words were apparently enough to knock them into a mess of anger and hurt.

How pathetic.

"-gotta talk to him, Grandpa!"

Cahaya froze by the staircase as he was about to head down for dinner.

"He's being insufferable!" He could practically imagine Api rolling his eyes. 

"More insufferable than usual." Petir corrected like he was being clever.

Air mumbled something that he didn't hear which was immediately cut off by Angin.

"Maybe we should give him some time?" He said, though he sounded unsure, "I mean, I guess I understand why he's being like this. He was always left out and-"

"Oh please. You got it all wrong." He got to watch in satisfaction as the septuplets turned to him in both shock and guilt at getting caught.

"Cahaya..." Grandpa said in warning, "We will talk about this later. It's rude to keep the food waiting. So why don't we take a seat-"

"I couldn't agree more, Atok. It is rude. But you know what else is rude?" He narrowed his eyes at his brothers, "Talking behind people's back."

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