Chapter 13: Risk & Reward

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Chapter 13

Fang sighed as he erased the notes he had been writing on for the umpteenth time that day. Captain Solar's lectures were as difficult as the rumors had said, practically cramming every single detail he practically memorized in just a span of two hours with barely any notes or slides to aid him.

Fang wasn't sure if he should be amazed or annoyed especially with how infuriating it was to have someone like Solar as a lecturer.

But today's class had been a little bit strange...





"Moving on to our next topic, as a Captain, what are the important key points in a dangerous mission?" Silver eyes glared sharply at Fang who in return answered with slight hesitance;

"Err- communication?"

This was immediately answered with an eye-roll.

"According to page 36 of the book 'A Competent Intergalactic Captain' a Captain, embarking on a dangerous mission requires careful planning, preparation, and quick decision-making." Solar said as he walked in front of the other, 

"You have to go through Risk Assessment, Mission Objectives, Communication Protocols, Emergency Procedures, Resources & Supplies, Crew Training, Decision-making Hierarchy, Monitoring Systems, Escape Plan, Time Management, Debriefing and Learning, Mental and emotional Well-being, Environmental Awareness, Learning about Local Laws  & Customs and respecting them and, finally..." Solar turned back to him "Backup Plans."

He wasn't sure how he managed it but, somehow he succeeded in writing all of that down.

"A mouthful, isn't it?" Solar said, leaning back against his desk with his arms crossed, "On textbook, these are definitely what you have to look out for. What you have to prepare for. But do you actually find yourself listing all that when you're in the face of danger?"

"Uhm..." Fang consciously shuts his notebook, ""

"Exactly." The young Captain nodded eyes sharp and intimidating, "There are two things you only need to remember: the risk  and the reward."

"Risk... and reward?"

"Stop being a parrot and get it through that thick skull of yours." The other huffed in exasperation. "Let me ask you Lance Corporal, which is far more important?  The safety of your crew or a successful mission?"

"The safety of my crew, of course!" Fang answered without hesitation but the light-manipulator merely flashed him a condescending look.

"That's what all naïve Captains would choose." He snorted.

"So what?! The mission is far more important than the lives you're responsible with?"

"I never said that." Solar answered haughtily, "So calm down, Lance Corporal, and let me finish."

Fang could feel his face flush but reluctantly remained quiet. He can already tell where this was going and the result would be him ending up looking stupid... as always.

"Every naïve wanna-be Captains would choose the same as you." The human said in amusement, "But a competent Captain, like me, would know there is no choice. Just an outcome. You take in both the risk and reward and formulate them into only one outcome. And that outcome should be a successful mission with the entire team in one piece."

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