Chapter 6: Change is Scary but Necessary

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Chapter 6

"Is this really necessary?" Fang asked at the small party Sai and Shielda had thrown for him in their conference room. 

There was an abundant number of carrot-themed snacks lined up on the table, ranging from cakes, cookies, doughnuts and even the drinks.

"It is an honorary custom to celebrate when someone leaves." Shielda said, tone serious and sincere that Fang wasn't sure of what to make out of it.

"It's a thing they do on Earth." Nut suddenly appeared next to him, trying to grab a piece of carrot-doughnut, "As a good luck for the new journey and beginnings they are about to face."

"I guess that makes sense." Fang mumbled as he hesitantly took a cup of carrot slush and looked around the room.

There weren't many people on the so-called 'Farewell Party'. Only him, the shield siblings, Nut, and Lieutenant Lahap were around. Said Lieutenant was at the far corner nibbling on some cookies with cautious eyes glaring at them, as if daring them to steal his food.

"Where's Captain?" He tried to sound casual, but the siblings exchanged uncomfortable looks.

"He said he was busy trying to arrange your paper works for your transfer. He also said he'll try to catch up if he can." Sai explained, trying to sound reassuring, but Fang knew better.

That usually meant he wasn't coming.

And Fang couldn't find it in him to be disappointed, not when he was still feeling the guilt for leaving his brother like this. Ever since he had been accepted by Captain Solar, he was expecting a wave of relief and accomplishment.

Instead, he felt a tad bit of regret and remorse on what he had gotten himself into.

He almost wanted to back out during those last minutes when he was inside that office.

"So... are you going to tell us how you managed to get the grumpy young Captain to welcome you to his team?" Sai prompted, earning the others' attention as well.

"Err... well" I had to work with a criminal, steal, and destroy his things to get him to accept me. "It's a long story. I don't want to bore you with the details."

"We actually heard of what really happened." Shielda suddenly spoke up, eyes piercing.

"Y-you did?" He gulped, trying not to show his nervousness, when Sai suddenly swung an arm over his shoulders.

"You're a hero, Fang! Taking down those bad guys with Captain Solar! No wonder he accepted you. Only a few can actually keep up with a perfectionist like him. Was it true you were the one who tipped him off when the criminals broke into his room?"

Fang winced, "Something like that..."

"Sai, let him do all the talking." Shielda rolled her eyes as she pulled her brother off him, "You should know by now how rumors are. They tend to exaggerate false stories."

Fang was doing his best not to shrink in on himself at the last statement.

"Uh... I really don't know where to start, hehe..." He tried to reason, but it didn't deter Sai from asking anyway.

"Okay, how about describing what the Captain is really like during a battle?"

That's going to be hard, since he wasn't there when he beat up the two criminals, "The fight... was so fast I couldn't actually keep track of what was happening you know. I just... followed his instructions?"

"Hm... sounds like a pushover- ow! Hey!" Sai scowled at his sister who huffed in exasperation as he rubbed his side.

"You really shouldn't be talking about a Captain like that."

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