Chapter 2: Make my Brother Proud

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Chapter 2 

It was supposed to be another normal day with the usual trainings, usual debriefings, and usual lectures. But everything changed from just one rumor.

Fang was having his routine breakfast with Sai and Shielda in the cafeteria when the former suddenly blurted out news that made him choke on his doughnut.

"Woah, woah- try slowing down, next time." Shielda thumped his back, almost dislodging his lungs with how strong she was.

"Urk- stop!" He swatted her hand away and turned to Sai with wide unbelieving eyes, "Sai, repeat that again."

"Uh... I'm going to go get more coffee?"

"No! Before that!"

"Oh! Yeah, Captain Kaizo might be up for promotion soon." Sai said before looking around, "But don't tell anyone I told you. I'm still not sure if the gossip was true or not. But a friend of mine heard from a friend of his that the Admirals have been talking about making Kaizo a Commander."

"Whether it's true or fake, I wouldn't be surprised." Shielda hummed, sipping on her own cup of coffee, "It's about time they gave the man the recognition he deserves. He's probably one of the most skillful Captain with the highest success rate when it comes to missions."

"Yeah. Makes you kind of wonder why it took this long for them to finally get him that promotion. I mean a certain brat only got his in less than a year- Ow!"

"Show some respect." Shielda chided his brother before turning to Fang who became unusually silent, "Fang, is something wrong?"

"I just..." Fang looked up to his brother a lot. He was well aware of all the accomplishments the other had- going undercover and never having his identity revealed, always overpowering the enemies he faced, and not once failing to bring back a power sphere in need, "I'm glad Captain will get his promotion."

"But...?" Shielda prompted with an eyebrow raised.

Fang sighed, leave it to her to be so sharp, "...I guess I just don't like how this proves how far apart we are when it comes to skill and rank. I wish I was as good as him."

"Hey, you are pretty good." Sai nudged his arm encouragingly, "We wouldn't have succeeded on our last mission if you hadn't snuck in that pirate ship to take out the security feeds."

"Yeah, that's basically all I'm good at! Sneaking around, turning invisible and going through things!"

"I mean... that's kinda what your power is all about." Sai pointed at the wolf-like mask on his head, then at his sister- then at himself, "Like how Shielda is all about deflecting attacks and I'm all about throwing my hat."

Shielda snorted at his joke while Fang rolled his eyes, "You guys don't understand. I'm always behind the lines. I'll never be as good as everyone else when all I do is work behind the scenes and you guys do all the important fighting."

"Hey, all roles in a mission is important." Shielda frowned at him disapprovingly, "If one fails to do their task, the whole plan falls apart."

"I know." Fang scowled, "I just wish he could see how more capable I am than just sneaking around an enemy's headquarters."

"I'm pretty sure Captain Kaizo does." Sai said while stacking his dishes, "You know how siblings are. They get a little over-protective when it comes to life-threatening missions."

"It's true. You have no idea how many times I tried to postpone this idiot from getting his own weapon just so he couldn't join in on the missions just yet." Shielda snickered.

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