Chapter 9: A Deal For Their Silence

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Chapter 9

"Lance Corporal!" Fang snapped his head towards Captain Azlan who was cowering behind his shield, "You have to shut down the simulation! The only reason Captain Solar is-"

"I know the reason!" He couldn't hold back the anger he felt as he summoned a sphere of shadow to block a stray laser heading his way, "And I'm not listening to you anymore! You're not my Captain!"


"Shadow eagle!" Fang focused on the image he saw from one of the human zoology books he had been reading, trying to get it to form into one of those winged animals. He needed to get up there and knock some sense into his Captain's head who looked like he was about to unleash an ultimate attack.

A loud screech made him jump and he looked up to see the shadow eagle that formed before him.

"I-I did it!" He exclaimed before hastily climbing on to the eagle's back as it spread it's wings, "Quick! Head for the light!"

He really should stop sounding like he was trying to kill someone.

The creature cawed in response and flapped it's wings with a powerful push against the ground.

He couldn't hold back his exhilaration as he finds himself airborne in a matter of seconds.

This was probably the most excitement he had out of all the missions he'd gone combined.

"Okay, focus Fang." He said as he looked up to his Captain who seemed out of it with his glowing eyes narrowed and teeth gritted in frustration.

He was having a flashback. 

Fang needed to snap him out of it.

"Captain-" He grabbed him by the arm as soon as he was near enough, which he realized was a mistake when the other whipped his head towards him and shot lasers with his eyes.

Fortunately, the crescent eclipse had disappeared, but now, Solar had decided he was the new threat he needed to beat.

Fang yelped as he felt the scorching heat that grazed his shoulder, the shadow eagle screeched and quickly kept its distance when the light manipulator suddenly re-appeared behind them.

"Captain Solar! Wait-" Fang ducked just in time to avoid getting shot and winced as the wall behind them exploded, "You have to snap out if it- gah!"

Solar was apparently a very agile fighter as he transported behind him once more and kicked him off the bird.

The shadow animal was quick to respond and immediately dove down to catch him in time before he ended up splat on the ground.

But the danger was not over when Solar started shooting continuously at his direction of flight which forced him to summon a shield. 

He had to counter an attack. But he wasn't exactly used with the powers he had and he might end up hurting the other- which he'll never hear the end of as he might end up doing more than just room construction-

"Shadow attack!" 

-but then again, Captain Solar wasn't really leaving him with any choice.

Black mass of shadow stretched out from the eagle and exploded as soon as the young Captain was inches away from them.

The training field was immediately filled with smoke and soot.

Something white fluttered in the air and Fang's eyes widened as he realized what it was. He quickly directed the eagle towards it and caught the photograph before hopping towards the ground.

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