Chapter 4: A New Ally

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Chapter 4

As soon as Solar had ordered one of the cadets to take Probe and Adudu to their respective prisons (which he knows they'll eventually break out of again), he gestured for Fang to follow him. The Lance Corporal turned pale when he saw his companion get imprisoned and he could guess that the other thought he would be next.

Solar didn't bother to tell him he wouldn't be- just so he could suffer in silence.

Once they arrived at his office, the alien immediately spoke up,

"Captain, please accept my sincerest apologies! I didn't mean to break in to your quarters and-"

"I dislike apologies. It doesn't undo what had already happened." Solar leaned back at his desk and crossed his arms, eyes calculating as he wondered what he should do next.

The offenses the other had committed could strip him of his position and possibly be kicked out by TAPOPS.

But... Solar also knew that the teen before him had only been manipulated by Adudu just so he could do his bidding (a familiar story from his childhood that involved—no, now's not the time to reminisce), after all- as soon as someone reported to him that the security feeds by his bedroom had suddenly stopped working, he already knew who he was dealing with.

TAPOPS didn't know he had installed back-up hidden cameras (with microphones), both outside and inside his room (and maybe some other shady parts of TAPOPS) that only he could access. He quickly checked his tablet to see what tricks Adudu had up his sleeves this time.

He was surprised to see a certain humanoid alien had tagged along and was amused when he realized Adudu was pretending to be one of the new recruits Solar had trained to try and earn his trust. Adudu's determination was admireable.

Unfortunately for him, he's too much of an idiot if he thought he could outsmart Solar.

So, he let them do their thing to see how far they'll go.

And the Captain... was impressed.

(Not with Adudu. He was slowly blowing his cover the more impatient he got.)

Fang actually used his brains (instead of doing stupid things by acting like those idiotic spies in the movies doing impossible exhibitions) and had managed to disable his traps in no less than five minutes. (Though he couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard the spiky-haired teen start to brag about his skills).

Then he watched as he finally found the power watch.

Then the conversation suddenly shifted to his personal life about his brothers.

Then he saw Fang turn around, holding a photograph-

("Come on! Everybody transform! Let's commemorate this moment where we all finally got our second tiers!")

-and before he knew it, he had pressed a switch in his tablet to activate his traps.

He wanted to see what Kaizo's brother was made of. This was also his... small... punishment for willingly breaking into his room.

(No. He had not purposely activated the traps out of personal reasons.)

And eventually he caught up to Adudu who was trying to escape with Probe through an emergency pod before running back to his room- and now, here they were.

"Tell me how it all began." Solar decided to start, "I think it would be interesting to hear how you ended up destroying my room, when just moments ago you were begging me to take you under my wing."

Fang winced but nodded and told his story.

Solar listened, taking note of the parts he didn't get to hear through his secret security feeds and some parts that were omitted (as he was obviously trying to save face).

Captain Sunshineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें