THᗴ ᖴIᖇS丅

81 2 0

My heart pounded in my chest as I cautiously pushed open the rusted doors of the desolate hospital. The once clean and sanitary floors were covered in ash and charred pieces of wood, the windows had been smashed in and the walls were stained black; It was as if there had been some sort of bonfire and the building was seemingly abandoned.

The eerie silence enveloped me, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched.

I took a tentative step inside, my eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. I was alone - or at least, I thought I was. But then, I heard it - the faint echo of hushed voices - carried on the stale air as my breath caught in my throat.

The faint voices grew clearer, and I strained my ears to decipher the words. Were they friends or foes? I couldn't tell. Every instinct screamed at me to run, to find a place to hide and stay out of sight. But curiosity and a sliver of hope held me in place. Perhaps they were others like me, trapped here. Perhaps they had some sort of answer.

As I took a small step closer, the broken glass beneath my shoes seemed to echo loudly in the empty space, and the voices seemed to silence.

I walked around the reception corner with as much determination as I could muster, meeting the eyes of about 7 other people congregated around a small table, they all had phones in their hands but seemed to pay me close to no attention.

on the small table, there stood a sign that stated "Take 1". With one phone remaining face down in the centre.

After picking up the phone, it turned on with face recognition, showing a screen that stated the same as the electronic billboard above the door outside. Though now the countdown only had about 50 seconds left.

'Face recognition? but I've never been here, this isn't my phone.'

Deciding to use my time wisely, I surveyed my surroundings. I'm not sure what mechanics the "game" would need. It was better to be safe than sorry. First, I observed the other people.

There was a smaller teenage girl following around a little boy, whom I could only assume was some sort of younger brother.

There was a woman with black hair, bold red lipstick and a seemingly resting poker face, though the strangest part of it was that she wore shades even though we were inside.

There was a muddy and dishevelled-looking boy about my age, though possibly older.

Two cocky looking businessmen chatted amongst themselves, looking the rest of the group up and down.

And there was a high school girl who looked confused and scared, sticking to huddling in a corner.

A varied bunch, so I could assume I wasn't here based on my physical or mental attributes. Looking down the halls of the hospital, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, other than the abandoned state of them, of course, so I was puzzled about what the so-called "game" could be.

Looking back towards the group, I noticed that the little brother had left the side of his big sister and was reaching on his tippy toes, trying to reach a toy plane, seemingly left behind by one of the hospital's patients.

As I approached him, he noticed my presence and turned around startled before running back to the side of his sister, watching me closely.

𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 / 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐈𝐃𝐘 (Y/n X Chishiya)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant