You run away

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A/n: this chapter has been requested by a lot of people for quite some time now, and I have finally gotten around to writing it, I also went with the most popular reason as to why Y/n runs away. It does contain angst but has a happy ending.

To your surprise, Sunflower had a little brother, his name was Cactus. He had the same skin color as his father, but had his mothers hair and eye color. Sadly, Cactus was no better then his family,  but his relationship with them was terrible, so bad even that the country trolling wanted nothing to do with his obnoxious parents and sister and had moved into his friends home located in Loansome flats just to get away from them. The reason behind his hatred for his family wasn't clear, but he just DID not like them, and they felt the same about him. Sunflower and Cactus barely mentioned one another which was why you had not heard of him until now, but when they did they would mention their names like curse words, disgusted to even have the names in their mouths.
When you learned of his existence you were not worried, you thought that since he hated his sister and avoided her like the plague, he'd do nothing to you. Oh how you were so wrong...

despite his age Cactus was manipulative, frightfully manipulative.
He threatened you at school when he first arrived a week ago, saying he was going to ruin your life, why? Well, as he said "I may hate those disgusting Fly Sluggy Bugs! But nobody insults and angers my pathetic sister but me! I'll make you pay for what you did!" And with that he stormed off with a look of pure fire in his eyes.
You were a little worried, not sure what to expect. But nothing could have prepared you for what he had done.

Cactus had forged your handwriting, it was so good that it might as well have been you that had written it. And he took this article you had been working on for a school project and rewrote it completely. The article itself was to describe each person in your family and what you liked about them.
He took it and wrote down the most horrible things that you would not dare repeat, he made it look like you had insulted all your family and friends in the most cruelest ways possible, he had also somehow found out about personal things they didn't want anyone to know and added that in there to, for all of troll kingdom to read.

You only found out when you got home...
And then a full week of your friends hardly saying a word to you, whenever they did talk to you it would only be to tell you to "get lost", and your family was cold and angry towards you, you tried to tell them you were innocent but none of it worked.

Everyone eventually found out the truth thanks to Iris, the only person who stood by you, who believed you when your entire family and friends didn't. Well, Lily also believed you, but she was just ignored.
Your dad was in denial a lot, to give him credit he kept sticking up for you and would snap at anybody who tried to scold you, he would still show you affection and love, still play with you, hardly being angry or cold towards you. He was still the same fun loving energetic caring father he had always been. It was like nothing had happened at all.
But you could tell he was still deeply hurt over the article. And it hurt.

Iris had managed to get Cactus to confess what he had done to everyone. She had been on the case as soon as she found out what had happened; and with some good detective work on her part she found some things she could use to blackmail the country trolling with.
So she did just that, blackmailed him and threatened to reveal all the other terrible things he had done last summer if he didn't confess. And Cactus, who turned out to be a snivelling coward had confessed the entire thing.
Of course you were showered with apologies, but you didn't know how to feel, leading to the moment where you made a life changing decision.

You stood there looking at them all, everyone was here. Your family and friends. If you could even call them that now...
You were torn, on one hand, you could understand why they thought you had written that article, after all the handwriting was almost like yours. But on the other, it hurt that they all didn't believe you, that they all just thought you'd do something so horrible, not stopping for a moment to think otherwise, people you'd known and trusted for so long were so quick to believe you'd do something so cruel. They knew you right? So why were they so quick to believe that article over you!?

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