A toxic nightmare part 7: the end

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It is finally here!
Me and Suwako20 wrote this chapter together ☺️


Freddy began slowly circling around Trollex like a snake would with a mouse, staring at him with almost excited sadistic expression.
Trollex just gripped his sword tightly, he also began circling, glaring at Freddy and watching him every second, waiting.

That's what you, and everyone else did, you all waited, wondering who was going to make the first attack.

Suddenly Freddy pulled something from his hair and shot forward at the speed of a bullet, Trollex then spun round and blocked the incoming attack with his sword, it turned out that what Freddy had was another sword, it was red and the blade looked like it was made from some kind of...machinery? He wasn't sure what it was.
For a split second Freddy almost looked surprised at how fast Trollex blocked the attack, but he quickly composed himself and attacked again, aiming for Trollex's chest.
Trollex quickly blocked once more and then in one swift movement he sliced the sword at Freddy's arms, causing a deep cut in his left arm.
Freddy backed away quickly and looked at his injured arm and back at Trollex, glaring murderously at the king of techno.
Trollex smirked and then gave him a fake sympathetic look "Aw no your bleeding, sorry Freddy" he said said softly, In a way an adult would to a frightening upset child.
Freddy growled at him angrily and then shot forward again, and began attacking rapidly, Trollex luckily blocked watch attack, making sure to back away at the right time and dodge when needed.
Freddy was beginning to grow increasingly frustrated that he just could not land a hit on the techno troll, but lucky for Freddy and unfortunately for Trollex, the king of techno was slow in backing up for a split second, the evil techno troll grinned as he saw this, that meant that Freddy had the opportunity to-


You, your grandparents and your aunt, along with the crowd, all gasped in horror
Trollex yelped as his right arm was cut, not badly but it hurt.

Freddy grinned sadistically as the king of techno backed away quickly, glancing at his arm before glaring back at Freddy.

Freddy chuckled sinisterly "Aww Sorry pathetic king, guess you aren't as good as you thought you were, what would M/n say to that, hmmmm.....oh wait! She can't say anything cause She's dead!"

All the crowed gasped and oohed, wincing at the insult, looking at Trollex worriedly. You looked hurt and angry at that, your grandparents looked furious along with Bliss Marina.

As for Trollex, he was silently seething with rage, he looked up at the evil techno troll murderously, however though he smirked and said "and your a complete let down, man I thought you'd be better than this, you've only landed ONE hit on me so far, your age catching up to you? old man"
Freddy blinked, a deadpan expression on his face
"Ohhhh!" the crowd yelled out, some techno trolls even laughed at Freddy.
The evil techno troll then lunged towards Trollex and swiped again, intending to knock Trollex's sword out of his hand
Trollex luckily dodged making Freddy miss and almost drop his sword, however though, The heartless techno troll's blade glowed an Orange color and Trollex could feel the heat radiating off of it, steam rose from said blade.
Trollex chose not to get distracted by this, but Before he could move away, Freddy slashed again, and this time it was a lot more painful than the last attack.
Trollex cried out in pain and looked down at his torso, luckily the cut wasn't deep but it really hurt.
You gasped and tried to squirm out of your grandparents hold to try and help your dad or distract Freddy at least, but their holds on you tightened as they watched worriedly.
Freddy laughed "haha, and you really are not as good as I thought you would be! This is just like that world tour incident when Queen Barb came to attack, you acted all tough and brave but the second she attacked, you cowered away like the little pathetic runt you are!"

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