Your dad has a crush

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This chapter idea was requested by Perky103 and Unicatcutie, thank you for the idea 😁
Your dad seemed to have been talking to Lily a lot recently, she has dark lavender skin, teal colour hear and eyes, orange and yellow pixels on her fin like legs, the bottom of the fin covered with orange red line, teal pixels on her cheeks and finally orange and yellow band on her arms.
She was a very kind and sweet techno troll, she was lovely to you and treated you like you were her own daughter whenever she was around you, you thought she was really sweet.
You noticed that your dad would blush every time he was around her, his heat would beat really fast and he would act all nervous and shy almost.
You, being a child, didn't entirely understand what this meant.
But you were happy that your dad was moving on.
Plus you had always seen Lily as a mother figure too, and you were happy that they were getting together. It felt good.
You were with your dad, he was walking back home with you after picking you up from school, when suddenly Lily came up to all of you.
"Hi king Trollex, hi princess Y/n" she said sweetly
You smiled at her and waved "hi Lily"
Your dad instantly turned red and had a goofy smile on his face "h-hi" he said
She smiled at him and blushed "so, I've been meaning to ask you something, would you like to go to this really beautiful park in techno reef?"
Your dad blushed more "Yeah I'd love to, what time  do you wanna meet there?" He asked
"Would 2pm be ok with you?" She said
"Yeah that's fine" he said
"Great, I'll see you there, bye You two" she said and flew off.
Your dad sighed dreamily, staring at the spot Lily was once in.
You couldn't help but smile at this, you were  glad that your dad had found a  future girlfriend, and as long as he was happy, so were you.

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