A new friend

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This chapter was requested by ErinHill803
Thank you for the idea 😊

The rock trolls.
Every time one of them smiled at you or looked your way it sent you in a panic and you instantly rushed to your father for comfort.
You tried not to be so terrified of them it wasn't fair to any rock trolls that weren't involved. But you just couldn't help it, you could never be sure if one of them was a friend or relative of Rex pretending to be nice and waiting for you to let your guard down so they could strike.
Even your friends were still defensive, when a rock troll walked past you they would instantly stop what they were doing and glare at them, standing around you protectively. No one could blame you all though. Especially with what happened.

But today your dad had to go to a meeting in volcano rock city, and unfortunately for you, you had to go with him.
As you two arrived in volcano rock city, you instantly hid in your fathers hair shivering.
Trollex picked you up and cradled you gently and you instantly buried your face into his chest
"It's ok sweetie, no ones gonna hurt you, Rex and his friends aren't here to hurt you, your ok" He cooed softly, stroking your hair.

Before going to the meeting your dad had put you in a red and grey playroom
"I promise I'll be back soon, angelfish, a nice rock troll called Lucy is outside if you need anything" he said and kissed you on the forehead before leavening.

You looked around the playroom, the toys looked interesting but a little weird.
You sighed and curled up on the floor, hoping to pass the time with sleep.

Suddenly you heard the door open, looking up you saw a rock troll kid, he had black spike like hair, he was grey and he was wearing a Black leather jacket with ripped shorts and had little spike bands on his wrists.
Upon seeing the rock troll, your first reaction was to fly up to the ceiling in a corner "please don't hurt me!" You cried
"W-Wait it's ok, don't freak out I won't hurt you!" He said
"I saw you and your friends at school, I wanted to go talk to you guys, but when I heard what happened with Rex and everything, I thought it might not be a good idea to approach you all at once, I'm sorry for Rex and his friends behaviour, what they did was horrible" he said looking at you sympathetically.
You looked at him, studying his expression and body language, there seemed to be no aggression or hostility at all.
You were still reluctant to go down though for all you knew he could be faking it.
"It's ok, I promise I won't hurt you" he said softly giving you a warm smile.
You slowly floated down and looked at him warily
"What do you want to talk about?" You asked slowly going closer to him
He smiled at you
"I don't have many friends, and you and your friends seem really nice, I was wondering if I could be your friend too"
All fear you had was instantly replaced with sympathy
"Of course you can be my friend" you smiled and his eyes lit up
"Really? Thank you!" He said happily
You two talked for a while, you learned that his name was Oscar and he was really nice too.
After a while of talking he said "I gotta go, but I'll see you at school, bye princess Y/n"
You smiled warmly and waved as he left.
You felt much happier and safer here now, your fear of rock trolls was gone.
A few minutes later your dad came in
"Hey sweetie, Lucy told me you made a new friend" he said happily picking you up
"I did, his name is Oscar, he's a really nice rock troll" you said happily
"I'm so glad you made a rock troll friend, sweetheart" he said nuzzling your nose

You were happy too

The next day
When you went to school you told your friends about Oscar, they all seemed relived that there was a nice rock troll
"Wow, I didn't think rock trolls could be so sweet" cloud said
"I know right" Clampers said
You then saw Oscar enter the playground and walk up to you and your friends.
"H-hey guys, can we be friends" he asked shyly
Your friends all thought for a moment before smiling at him
"Of course you can, from what Y/n told us your really nice" Dexter said smiling at him
Oscar smiled "thank you guys"
You all spent the day playing together

You were glad to have a new friend in the group

And you couldn't wait to play more with him and your friends

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