You meet cloud guy and his family

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For some people who don't know, cloud guy's kids are called Stormy, Windy and Jr
This idea is from ErinHill803, once again thank you so much for the idea 😁

Poppy had hosted a party in pop village, and everyone was invited.
Right now you were dancing with your dad and enjoying the party, until suddenly, you felt something slimy and cold fall onto you. You heard your dad, friends, and the crowd gasp.
You opened your eyes and saw what looked to be syrup all over you.
You heard laughing, you looked over to see a adult female and male cloud, along with three small clouds, two girls and one boy.
"Haha, good job Jr, I hadn't even thought of a prank like that yet" you heard a unfamiliar male voice say, he sounded so cocky.
Your aunt, uncle, and friends brought over some towels and water to help get the syrup off, your dad turned to the cloud family and yelled "you did this!?"
The cloud chuckled having a cocky, smug look on his face "oh no the prank wasn't my idea, I'm just letting my kids pick there rivals, looks like Jr here picked his already"
The male cloud child (who you correctly guessed was Jr) smirked and crossed his arms.
You heard galloping and soon enough, Holly Darling entered your vision
"Oh no you are not going to bother this child, you leave the little cutie out of this!" She yelled
"Oh but it's not me that's going to be bothering her, it's my son" the cloud said smugly
"Wait Wait Wait, What do you mean bothering her? What has she ever done to you?" Your dad asked, glaring at cloud guy.
Branch (who had also been near by and witnessed the whole thing) rolled his eyes and sighed "ugh, cloud guy has annoyed me and other trolls for almost a year, it's this stupid thing he dose, he annoys trolls purely for fun and nothing more, it looks like his kids are just like him"
Your dad glared at cloud guy and his family "no way, I'm not letting you bother my kid"
"Sorry King Trollex, but this guy won't ever quit, trying to stop all of them will just make it worse" Lownote Jones said
Once all of the syrup was off of you, you floated over to your dad "I don't mind pranks, just as long as it's not every five minutes and they don't go to far" you said eyeing them warily
"Oh don't worry, it'll only happen three times a month, or it depends if he's bored, then it can happen anytime really, there's nothing you can do to stop it" cloud guy said
Your dad narrowed his eyes at them, his expression turned soft when he turned to you
"Sweetie, if any of them hurt you in any way, you come to me immediately, ok?" He said, stroking your hair affectionately
"Ok daddy" you said
They seemed harmless so how bad could it possibly be?

Two weeks later
You were going to tear your hair out.
You are not an angry troll, but god was this infuriating.
The pranks and annoying you until you exploded was happening everyday, you tried not to give a positive or negative response to it all, you didn't want it to be continuous.
Usually you didn't mind pranks, but you could just tell that straight off the bat it wasn't going to be good, you just had a bad feeling.

And you were right

Jr had done more than just harmless pranks, he was bugging the hell out of you and it was really starting to get to you.
Your friends had also been targeted by cloud guys daughters, Windy and Stormy.
While the two mainly annoyed and pranked all of your friends, they both had at least one they messed with more.
Stormy's favourite victim was Clampers. Clampers would easily rise to it, after being pranked or annoyed she would chase Stormy and attempt to tackle her to the ground or bite her, but unfortunately for Clampers, Stormy was able to easily slip out of her grasp or disappear. Much to everyone's annoyance.
Windy's favourite victims are Dexter and Oscar. They both tried to keep calm after being pranked or annoyed, but sometimes they would snap and throw something at her in anger, but of course, like Stormy, Windy would just disappear right before the object could hit her and tease them.
Needless to say you and your friends were there absolute favourite (and only) targets.
Right now, You and your friends were hanging out at a park in pop village/trollstopia, it was Sunday.
"Alright guys, be on guard those little fluffy gremlins could be nearby" Clampers said looking around


So far there was no sign of them
About ten minutes went by and still nothing.
Maybe they-

You shrieked and leapt into Dexter's arms, everyone else jumped about ten feet in the air as well.
You panted, recovering from the mini heart attack you just had.
You all heard laughing behind you, you slowly turned and saw three evil little clouds.
"You little cockroaches!" Clampers yelled in anger stamping her hoof
The cloud's laughing ceased and Jr smirked and said "were just messing with you" he floated over to you and held out his hand
"Down low" he smirked
"No way, I'm not falling for that again" you said narrowing your eyes at him.
"Come on, just one, then we'll leave you and your friends alone" he said
You stared at his hand for a few seconds
"Ok fine, you promise to leave us alone" you asked skeptically
He nodded
You raised your hand and just before you high fived his, he moved it away at the last second and pulled something out of his body. Before you could register what he had, you felt something cold and sticky cover your body.

Blue icing

"You never asked how long we would leave you alone for, it's one month" Jr said
He and his sisters laughed and disappeared before you or your friends could get them.

You wiped the icing off of your face and glared at where they once floated.

The next time you saw him you'll be ready.

(Knowing cloud guy, he would probably teach his kids how to annoy and prank trolls, and his kids are probably just like him)

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