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'Jiraiya, please get your lazy perverted ass here to help me get rid of these guys!'Itachi was still trying to reach the door but I threw one of my kunais at his hand

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'Jiraiya, please get your lazy perverted ass here to help me get rid of these guys!'
Itachi was still trying to reach the door but I threw one of my kunais at his hand.
"Itachi, you okay?" Kisame asked.
"No, there's a kunai in my hand." Itachi replied.
"No one is taking my best friend from me."
30 minutes later
Sasuke & Jiraiya came but Kisame's sword 'Samehada' ate some of my chakra and Itachi broke the door.
"Kisame, give me back my chakra before I chop off your hands!"
"Lily." Jiraiya said.
"Jiraiya, get Naruto before Itachi. Sasuke, shoot a fireball at Kisame now!"
Naruto & Itachi came out of the room, Kisame kicked me into the room but I hit the window.
'This is gonna hurt.'
An hour later
'My f****** head.'
"Lily!" Naruto yelled.
"Naruto, be quiet." Jiraiya said.
"The both of you, shut the f*** up!"
I woke up in our room, Sasuke is unconscious and Maito is here.
"Maito, when the hell did you get here?"
"I found you on the ground and brought you back here." Gai-Sensei replied.
"Where's Itachi & Kisame?"
"They got away after I showed up." Jiraiya replied.
"Where's Kubikiribōchō? Please don't tell me that f****** shark man took it!"
"Actually, it's sealed with your blood." Gai-Sensei said.
"I saw it go away when your blood was on it." Gai-Sensei replied.
"So one of my bunnies or toads has it?"
"Looks like it." Jiraiya replied.
"Okay, now can someone explain why is there glass in my hair?"
"You got kicked out the window." Naruto replied.
"That explains the headache and glass but what about Sasuke?"
"He's under a genjutsu." Jiraiya replied.
"Itachi put him under a genjutsu that no one can break out of?"
"Yes, except Tsunade." Gai-Sensei replied.
'My head is killing me. Next time, I'm kicking that Shark in the ass!'

Lily Haruno Where stories live. Discover now