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2 hours later
After we finished walking the dogs, the big dog that Lily walked was following us. She took it back to the shelter but it was still following us.
"Maito, this dog is still following us." Lily said.
"Maybe he doesn't want to live in the shelter." Gai-Sensei said.
"What do we do with him?"
"One of us will have to take him." Neji replied.
"How do we decide that?" Lily asked.
"I know, whoever can do 100 push up gets the dog."
"That's a great idea." Gai-Sensei said.
"I'm not doing it. I have bunnies at home." Lily said.
'It will be fun. I've always wanted a dog.'
Lily took Tenten to the hot springs, the dog followed them, Gai-Sensei was being the referee for Neji & I.
1 hour later
'Yay I won the dog. Oh Lily & Tenten are back.'
"Tenten, please stop with the f****** questions!" Lily yelled.
"Lily, watch your language!" Gai-Sensei shouted.
"Oh Shut Up Maito! Tenten has been asking questions about the mission & the f****** scar on my back!" Lily yelled.
"I just wanted to know about the sword that Zabuza gave you." Tenten said.
"I told you that Kakashi took it to Lord Third! Until they find a master to teach me, he will keep it." Lily said.
"Why do you get to have it?" Tenten asked.
'Oh no.'
"Because Zabuza trusted me with it after I beat him in a match before he died." Lily replied.
"Zabuza Momochi was a mist ninja but also a member of the seven swordsman group that are from the hidden mist village. They were known for their silent killing techniques." Gai-Sensei said.
"Yeah, Kakashi mentioned that when he came after us the first time. I hate that Mist Jutsu." Lily said.
"Mist Jutsu?" Gai-Sensei asked.
"I'll show you it." Lily replied.
'Is this mist? I can't see.'
"This is the mist technique, it's used for assassin attacks because no one can see but you have to relay on sounds." Lily explained.
"How did you?"
"While Zabuza & I were taking down thugs that Gato hired to kill him and possibly the villagers. He told me the hand signs for this technique." Lily replied.
"Why?" Neji asked.
"Guess he realized that it was his time, so he passed on his sword & killing technique to the last person who won in a fight with him." Lily replied.
"Lily, you sound sad." Tenten said.
"Even though I have violent tendencies, I hate speaking about dead people because it makes me miss them." Lily said.
'Lily misses Zabuza?'
"Are you saying that you miss Zabuza?" Gai-Sensei asked.
"Hell No, that son of a bitch sliced my back." Lily replied.
"Pfft, we missed you."
"Thank you, Lee." Lily said.

Lily Haruno Where stories live. Discover now