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Third person pov

"Tzuyu..." They all looked at her with a smile on their face.

"Tzuyu?" Mark said with his arm crossed

"Oh hey there... Brother." Tzuyu waved her hand at Mark.

"Brother?!" They all looked at Mark with their mouth wide open. They didn't expect Tzuyu and Mark being related.

"What are you doing here?" Mark stood up and went towards Tzuyu.

"Am i not allowed to be here? They're my friends not yours." Tzuyu walked to their table and sat down beside Chaeyoung.

"Tzuyu where were you?" Mina said.

"I was at home." Tzuyu said without looking at Mina.

"So what's the questions you wanna say Tzuyu?" Mark sat down at his place.

"Oh right. You're that impatient aren't you?" Tzuyu raised her eyebrow while smirking.

"What are you talking about?" Mark nervously giggled.

"Hmm nothing... So my questions is." Tzuyu crossed her arms.

"What makes you think that Sana will be the one for you..?" Tzuyu said with huge smile on her face.

Mark nervously smiled and looked at Sana with his arms around Sana.

"W-well out of every girl i've been out with. I feel like Sana will be the loyal one and be my first and last." Mark rubbed his neck.

"Why are you stuttering? Aren't you the boyfriend of Sana who should be proud of having her?" Tzuyu made a gasped noise.

"That's not what i meant!" Mark shook his head.

"Alright then... My last question." Tzuyu said.

"Go on.." Mark said.

"How long are you gonna stop playing these games?" Tzuyu said with her mouth wide open.

"What games are you talking about heh.." Mark said giving a death stare at Tzuyu.

"Babe? Why are you doing a death stare at Tzuyu?" Sana said.

"Nothing..." Mark stood up from his seat.

"Ehem i need to speak to Tzuyu privately." Mark said.

Tzuyu shrugged and followed Mark. The bell had already gone and it's time for their next class.

"Tzuyu-ah i'll see you in Math class!" Sana said waving her hands.

Tzuyu nodded and continued to follow Mark.

Tzuyu pov

I still don't know why Mark wants to talk to me privately. He brought me outside of school and we went behind the school building.

"Are you sure we can go out when there's lesson going on?" I crossed my arms.

"What are you trying to do Tzuyu? Are you trying to embarrass me?!" Mark pushed me that made me fell backwards.

"Chill i was just joking!" I shouted.

"That doesn't sound like a joke! More like you're trying to expose me!" Mark said while punching me on my face. My mouth had blood coming out.

"I-i didn't mean too.." I coughed.

"Fuck you!" He kicked me on the stomach and leg. My body feels sore.

He grabbed the collar of my shirt while i'm trying to make him stop hurting me.

"You're lucky you're my sister. If not i would've killed you by then.. And you better not tell anyone about this." Mark spat on my face and leaving me alone behind the school building.

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