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Doni's POV:
I woke up by the sounds of my coughs,I thought I was fine,but I wasn't. I wondered what could have caused it but I brushed it off thinking it would go away.I started to walk outside to see what was happening in the group.Then I started coughing more.I looked in the forest realizing what caused it,but I didn't want to tell others.But then how could I make them believe I didn't?
Lynix's POV:
I woke up as the sun was rising feeling the air rushing behind my ears.I ate some bread for breakfast,I opened my for to see if the others were awake.I only saw doni,kiply,quiff and bionic.They were not really close to doni,but it looked like doni was staying away.I wondered why so I went up to him."hey doni!"I said." hi lynix"doni said back to me.He seemed pretty nervous.As soon as I was questioning if he was hinding something,I heard him cough and began to sneeze."are you ok?I said starting to get a bit confused and concerned. "Yeah...I'm fine-*sniff*" doni replied with his voice dried.I then put my hand on his forehead to see if he had a fever,but he tried pushing my hand away."dude!you were burning like crazy!"I said."what?I said I am fine!"doni said.Then kiply,quiff and bionic came to see what was this all about."whats happening?"kiply said."doni is sic-"I couldn't finish the word sick because doni inturuped me."I'm not sick!its get enough sleep"doni said."doni,if you're sick don't back away from it"quiff said."moron"doni replied to him.
[Insert doni trying to say he is not sick part were it turns into a argument.]
"I said I am not sick!" Doni said starting to cough."yes,you are"bionic said."I-"doni was cut off by kiply,"face it your sick or I'll make you"."fine...."doni said admitting defeat.*sniff**sneeze*."doni go to bed"I said."NO-*cough*.doni tried to not cough.I then started to drag him by his cape in his house. I made him sit on his bed."doni I won't move until I hear you tell me you will stay here"I said starting to raise my voice."fine,I'll stay here"doni replied."good,and I still won't move"I said."WHAT-!?"[insert a lot of coughing and sneezing here]

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