Chapter 19: Stabling the Clan

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As soon as Volok renounced my father's status, I informed him of where he could be found. He honestly meant it when he had said that my father would become the next clan leader and a surprising number of Yautja not only were happy about the change, they rejoiced. They took to the streets to drink and celebrate. It was something not even my father was prepared for because due to the last 700 years of his life he had been treated as less than. Unequal despite his high achievements.

Many Yautja and even some tourists who frequented Yautja Prime had started speaking out publicly about their suspicions of Anak. Apparently, he had been spending a lot of resources aiding the scientists but they had been so overworked that a few had collapsed and had to be treated outside the palace. He had also assigned Uathan to head the royal guard. That was something far beyond his station and many questioned him for just that. It also explained how Uathan found me that day. Being head of the guard gave him free reign over everything outside the palace.

Four days have passed since Anak's escape and Uathan's death. So why were we still here on Yautja Prime? Simple. Because the Elders were coming to speak with us all personally. I would have been more than a little nervous to meet the most powerful of my species had it not been for Volok.

No. He had kept me entirely too busy to worry too much about them. Any chance he got he would have me bent over and ruthlessly rut me until I was so blissfully weak that he'd have to carry me away. He wasn't entirely forgiving about his spot choices either. Oh, Paya...the night of my father's leader's celebration Volok mated me inside a random booth in the market while everyone was out drinking on the streets. He even marked me a second time that night.

My mother found Volok charming when she finally met him. My father had kept her safely hidden in the female clan until he was sure she could be safe and I didn't blame him in the slightest. During her brief meeting with him, she also managed to pull me aside and give me one of the most mortifying offers of my life. To come to her for any questions on sex. I so did not want to ever take her up on that offer considering her experiences were based on my father Not just no. But HEEEELL NO! Though thanks to her insistent talk I discovered those mind blowing sensations I kept having with Volok were called orgasms. Weird name if you ask me.

My father had become entirely too busy going over the documents that Anak neglected to really spare me much time, but when Volok wasn't punching holes in my womb, he was dutifully helping him to lighten the load on his shoulders. I was still unsure how I felt about them working so closely together. It made me happy, nervous, scared and...well just so many emotions. My mother had insisted that it was normal. She had felt the same way when she brought her first boyfriend home to meet her father.

Boyfriend. She explained the term to me, but Volok meant so much more to me and I, him. Boyfriend was simply too light a term to explain what we had. No. I looked at Volok the same way she looked at my father and that made me happy. Mates. That was what we were.

"What are you thinking about so intensely?" My mother sauntered up to me with Kaail on her hip. He was nibbling on some jerky that she had given him and his large eyes seemed thirsty to take in all the surroundings. He was still learning how to properly move his little mandibles so the jerky didn't exactly stay in his mouth.

I felt my face flush and answered her honestly. "Volok. I never thought I'd find someone who made here," I tapped my heart as I spoke, "feel so wonderful, but also made it hurt so much too."

She nodded, giving me a knowing smile. "Yeah, love is a double edged sword that's for sure. He's a good male though. He looks at you the same way, you know? With love."

My hands found my cheeks to try to cool them. "Really?"

She chuckled and shifted Kaail's weight on her hip to which he responded with kicking out his little legs. "Yep. Your father tries hard not to notice, because he's protective of you and prideful. But he has noticed too."

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