Chapter 8: Recovery

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The dart that had tranquilized my father came from a Bad Blood I hadn't even heard approach. My roaring headache made it hard to hear anything other than that high pitched screeching in my defense. 

Before I could fight the intruder off, that blasted male who was apparently the clan leader came inside to restrain me with my face in the wall. More Bad Bloods came in then to drag my father's unconscious form out of the cell and I tried hard to fight him off. I really did, but this male was far more powerful than me. He was easily able to keep me pinned with one hand placed firmly in the middle of my back. 

"Get off me!" 

"Ask nicely." The humor in his voice made my blood boil. The audacity of this fucking male! I hissed at him as my response. "You and your father both seem to miss the kindness I show to you."

I hissed at him again because fuck him! "You have us locked away and you killed Baaul! Please elaborate your kindness!"

"The small male was weak. Half breed or not, you should know the small don't survive for long. As for your father, had I killed him right away, you'd not be able to be reunited with him. Then there's don't seem to be aware of how strong your heat is and it hasn't even hit its peak yet. I've had to forbid any males from entering the lower levels without me because it's driving them insane. Your presence is a bother. I don't need insubordinate males." He leaned into me as he spoke and now he was so close that I could smell the musk coming off him. I didn't understand why my body shamefully reacted to it.

"You seem perfectly sane, male." I tried not to breathe in anymore because his aroma was starting to overwhelm me and I did not like that I liked it.

"My mutation allows me to filter particles in the air, including your intoxicating pheromones, however even I'm still struggling with the little that gets through." He purred and I felt his mandibles pull at my dreads. Why did I suddenly have goosebumps waving down my back? "And my name is Volok."

"I don't care what your name is! Get off me!" I tried to jerk my head away from him, but I could only move so far with his hold. I could barely breathe because of these damn breasts squishing against the wall and it was starting to hurt. 

"Does your own clan leader allow such insubordination?" He was getting annoyed with me now. Good. Father always taught me that if you can make your enemy angry then you can get them to mess up long enough for a window of opportunity to change the tides of a battle.

"Bad Bloods are not a recognized clan, thus I have no need to bow down to you!" I was really starting to feel pain now, to the point where I had no choice but to let out the breath I'd been holding so it eased the pressure on my chest a bit. Thankfully, his musk was not as potent now, probably because I had pissed him off.

"That will change soon enough, little female. Soon we will have the same rights as you." Volok pulled away from me then and I fell to my knees as I wrapped my arms around my sore breasts.

Tossing my dreads over my shoulder I glared up at him. "The fuck are you talking about?"

Volok stopped at the door, a cruel smile over his face as only a Yautja can have. "That clan leader of yours really hasn't updated you all, has he? It's exactly not been secret news. Since taking over I have made negotiations with the Elders to make this an official clan."

I shook my head. "No. You're lying! Anak wouldn't have sent my father here if he knew of this!"

It simply wasn't possible! If what he said was true that meant that Anak deliberately sent my father to his death, for attacking another clan without approval-even in the negotiations stages-was forbidden. The Elders would kill my father for this...and me. No. It simply made no sense! He'd never make such a mistake! Volok was lying!

He cocked his head a bit. "I have no reason to lie, little female. If I so choose it, your lives are mine either way, so why lie?"

"If you speak the truth, then let us go! You know we were misled!" I stood up then because I felt even kneeling before him was a sign of submission and I would not submit to this male!

"Sure. If your sire wins." He waved me off with his hand and closed the heavy door behind him. I watched as he locked it and walked away, leaving me alone in this cold, musty room with so much rage all I could do was scream.

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