Chapter 5: The Joys of Being Human...

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The Urion galaxy would take about a week to get there. With only three weeks until the CourtshipTournament that meant we only had a week to find my father. It wasn't much time. 

Baaul spent the first few days training with me after he could finally engage the ship's autopilot in the brief clear areas. Believe it or not there were a lot more asteroid fields in space than one might think. That meant a lot of manual driving. So naturally, using the time we had, the sessions were absolutely brutal. Baaul had absolutely no mercy to give me despite being loyal to my father. I wouldn't have it any other way. My body was always bruised and often bloody. Though he was careful not to do major damage. The difference in our skill was obvious, though I did manage to get a few slits of neon green back. Dad would actually be proud of me.

My training wasn't only in hand to hand combat. He made me practice every day for hours with my mothers bow even when he had to pilot the ship himself. Apparently I had a knack for it just like mom did. Even without the mask. I was amazed that it would form its own arrows with the nanobots because that meant I'd never run out of ammo. If I had wanted to buy this at the market, I would have had to save up every gem earned for three decades and possibly still not be able to afford it. It was that remarkable of a weapon.

When not engaged in combat, I sat with Baaul in the cockpit and every so often he'd point out to tell me a bit about certain planets. Having never left Yautja Prime, I did find myself fascinated with everything I learned. Like how some planets were larger or smaller than ours. Or how some of them had life that was ignorant to life outside their own(or even had no life at all). My mother's planet had been pretty much like that. 

Earth. My mother told me stories of it and I had always wanted to visit there. She told me of their flightless vehicles, primitive weapons, and pollution. But she also told me about art, music, and beauty. I loved to listen to her sing, but apparently there were humans who had even more beautiful voices. I would like to hear it because it was hard to imagine anyone with a more exquisite voice than her. Even Dad liked to listen to her sing.

"Get some sleep, Rose. We still have three days of travel time and though you require less sleep than a ooman, you still haven't slept in two days." Baaul's commanding voice cut sharply through my thoughts, making me jump.

I felt my face redden at the reaction and promptly nodded, then left. Yautja did not get caught off guard. Had I been any other Yautja, Baaul would have served me my ass. I sighed heavily once outside of the cockpit and ran my hands over my face. I guess I was pretty tired and my body felt heavier than normal.

Baaul was right. Though I didn't need sleep once a day like my mother, I did require it every other day and I had been pushing myself hard these last few days. It was only natural that I was starting to feel like shit. I was going to do one thing before I passed out, however. It had been a grueling match with Baaul today which worked up a good sweat. Another abominable feature passed down to me by my mother. It smelled awful.

I remember when Baaul had a small one bedroom ship when I was a girl, but he's upgraded within the last thirty years, which was a relief because it would have been weird to sleep in his only bed. Now he had three sleeping chambers available. I pressed my palm on the panel to the room he assigned me and opened the door. 

Inside was a simple leather mat, a bathing unit, and a small compartment for my armor and weapons. I went there first so I could begin to disrobe. Once inside their spots, the ship would automatically clean everything for me so I'd be ready to go tomorrow. 

My lower back and stomach suddenly seemed to flare with discomfort without the distraction of the weight on my body. Was I coming down with an illness? I knew Yautja were immune to most illnesses, but I was half human and they easily got sick. Not that I had ever gotten ill why did I suddenly feel like I was going to throw up?

I slammed my palm against the bathing unit pad and the door swooshed open. The singular bathing tub was already swirling with hot water and the sight of it nearly had me sighing with relief. That sounded heavenly on my aching body just about now.

One step toward the crystal clear waters made me stop in my tracks because I felt a hot sticky substance on my thighs just as my nose smelled the copper. Soft horror dawned on me as I looked down to see bright red blood trailing down my legs. 

NO! Oh, Paya, please...

At the age of 40 I had gotten my first period like a damn human teenager…



I am going to post two chapters today since several of my chapters have been short.

Also know this is a slower burn than the last one, but don't worry, it picks up next chapter.


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