Chapter 11: Leashed

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I sat in a bedroom that had a massive glass window overlooking the lush forest below. I could see for miles from this spot, but I couldn't allow myself to appreciate it.

 After Volok had won that pathetic excuse of a match, I had to be restrained by three males because I tried to fight them all to get to my father and even succeeded in killing two males. I hadn't meant to, honestly. It was like since I had my first heat, my strength had amplified by double and I wasn't used to my own strength. I had killed them both so fast that it stunned me long enough for me to be tackled and pinned to the ground.

During the process I had been given my very first piece of jewelry. Not that I appreciated it at all. It was more of a collar really for its intended purpose. The large clear gem fused into the back of my neck and mixed with my spine, like a parasite. It gave Volok complete and total control of my body's functions. How it worked was because on this planet, these gems had a dominant mate which would allow the wearer to immobilize the other with a simple thought. Yep. You guessed it. Volok wore the dominant gem.

He had said that it was for precautionary measures only and he would eventually take it off if I could prove myself trustworthy. That was laughable coming from him. Why couldn't I simply take it out? Oh, funny you should ask. Because I'd have to rip the fucker out which would only kill me. It was literally burrowed into my vertebrae. Only Volok could command the dominant gem to have it release me.

My claws ran over the polished oval gem on my neck as I wondered about my father. After tossing and locking me in this room, Volok had left to go with the group that took my father to recover. I was worried that he really would die this time. Yautja were much stronger than humans so they could endure much more pain and physical harm, but hit them with enough force and they will die. That crater in the ground was a massive force that had been thrown onto him multiple times. If he were any normal might have done the trick.

Why the hell did Volok keep up this charade? Why not just kill us and spare us the humiliation at least? It would devastate our mother, but the female clan would take her in now that Baaul was gone. They respected her and would welcome her.

"Your sire will be fine." Volok had managed to come in without me noticing. Not because he was being silent like normal, no, that's just how deep in my head I was.

"Don't expect gratitude when it's your fault he was in that condition to begin with." I snapped at him and kept my back facing him as an offered insult. 

"Yes. I'm ashamed to admit I lost my cool. He had never managed to strike me before, much less injure me to that degree. Had I not regained my balance at the last second I would have likely died." Volok came up behind me, completely ignoring my blatant disrespect. 

"It's what you wanted? Did you not?" I struggled not to turn to look at him because every instinct was screaming at me that this male was a threat and it was foolish to keep my back to him. Yet that intuition mom always gloats about was telling me that Volok would not harm me. I don't know why, but he was fascinated with me for some reason.

"Hm. I did and it's why my bloodlust was triggered. I will not be sorry for winning. It was inevitable, but I am sorry for losing my control. I meant it when I said I have no intentions of killing him." 

I couldn't help it anymore. I whirled around to glare up at him. "Then why do you keep us here? You know my father can not best you! Do you enjoy humiliating him? Now in front of his daughter?"

Volok's mandibles clicked together as he looked down at me and it was almost too intimate. I felt my face grow red and I struggled to keep my eyes locked with his. Especially when those eyes locked on my blush. What the hell was this all of a sudden? "At first, I wanted to break his spirit. Now I want to convince him to serve me once I take Yautja Prime."

"And I'm what? A blackmail token to make him do what you want?" I would not break this gaze. I would not break this gaze. I would not…

"A pretty idea, but I'm intrigued with you because you're like me. A genetic anomaly." He reached for me then and when I tried to jerk away from him, I couldn't. The bastard had me paralyzed! 

The thing with this paralyzation was that I could still feel everything. I just couldn't move. So I felt his warm hand reach for my hair, taking one tube into his palm and lift it up closer to his face. Panic shot through me because I liked it. I liked his touch! What was wrong with me?!

"Your hair is Yautja, but everything else is ooman. Soft. Expressive. However, here," He tapped my chest just over my breast to indicate my heart, "...Here is Yautja. Fire. Proud. Strong. Honorable."

Even though there was nothing intimate about his touch, my face erupted with blushes. It was so hot that I felt my head swim a little. I lifted my hand to my head and realized I was no longer paralyzed. 

"What are you thinking about that has your face flush with blood, little one?"

I growled at the nickname because I couldn't help but think of Uathan. "Don't call me that!"

"I don't know your name. What else do I call you?" He cocked his head and his dreads spilled over his shoulder. He actually had gold cufflinks and a few colorful ornaments dangling from it. Beads, gems and a few feathers. It was odd to see on a Yautja, because they rarely cared about decoration like that, but I hated to admit that it helped make him beautiful. He was beautiful.

I turned around to look at the forest because I couldn't believe I had just thought that. For crying out loud, he was holding me prisoner while beating and degrading my father! How could I possibly be finding him attractive right now!

"Are you going to tell me or not?"

I sighed heavily. "My name is Rosalene."

He chittered behind me. "How very ooman. Come, Rosalene. Let me show you my planet." When I made no motion to follow him, he sighed. "I can carry you if you wish?"

I nibbled my bottom lip with a fang in irritation because he'd do it too. I stomped after him toward the door. "I'm coming, you tyrant."

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