Chapter 13: Keet

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My father had been apprehensive about the new accommodations, but after I explained to him what I had learned during my pleasant time with Volok, he growled an agreement. 

Volok's only rule was that we did not leave unless we were called upon. He even promised to stop with the fighting if my father agreed to the terms. I think the only reason Dad agreed was because he didn't like the idea of me staying down in that dungeon anymore than Volok did.

The room we were in was similar to the one I was in before. The massive window that overlooked the forest gave a beautiful view of the rising suns as the green moon slowly faded into the sky. It had a large bed big enough for my father and I to both sleep in it without risk of touching each other, but my father didn't need sleep nearly as often as I did.

"What does he expect us to do in here all day?" My father growled more to himself than to me as he paced in front of the window. He wasn't handling the change in cells as well as I did. Oh, I perfectly understood that though this was much nicer accommodations than that dinky cell, it was still in fact, a prison. 

"Clearly wear out the floor." I sighed from the mattress. I had been trying to sleep but my father's constant pacing was making that impossible. I doubted I got more than a few hours rest.

My father growled in annoyance and he plopped down to sit on the floor with his arms and legs crossed. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."

I rubbed the heel of my palm into my eye and stretched out my body before getting up to go sit next to him. I rested my cheek on his arm, wrapped mine around his big beefy limb and snuggled into him like I used to do when I was a child. His irritation instantly melted away and I felt him look down at me.

"I don't know why, but I trust Volok about the Elders. I don't trust his actions entirely, but I do believe him. He doesn't act like a Bad Blood, Dad." I whispered it but I knew he heard me.

"He's hiding something. I hate to admit it, but so is Anak if he really did send me here under false pretenses. This whole thing just sits wrong with me. Something big is about to happen. Bigger than that male claims. Mark my words." He rubbed his cheek against the top of my head. 

"Like what?"

He sighed. "I don't know. But this Volok isn't being entirely honest. I don't want you spending time with him, but I fear he is too powerful for me to stop. I don't think he means you harm, but keep your distance regardless. Do not trust him, but try to find out as much information as you can." 

He didn't need to tell me that. I already knew that much, but it was encouraging to know that he also was weary. Though I was not going to tell him about my stray attraction. Oh, no, no, no, no. That would not go over very well at all. 

My father was right about one thing though. So much didn't make sense and I felt like we were pawns in a game. I just didn't  know what game or how many players were in it. That reminded me of something I realized I had neglected to tell him.

"Anak knew you were missing for months and he didn't tell us. Neither mom or me. If he knew you were possibly in trouble, why did he not send anyone to back you up until I asked about it? How long would he have let you stay missing?" I just didn't fucking get it. What did Anak gain by sending his strongest warrior here to die? 

"If Volok really is negotiating with the Elders, why didn't he tell them I was here wrongfully invading his space? They would have demanded my death and everyone would have known he took out the top Enforcer. That alone would have gained him favor and honor. He could rightfully challenge Anak as clan leader for Yautja Prime then." My father never bragged about his status. He merely spoke facts. "But he kept me hidden instead."

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