Chapter 9: Blooded

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I decided to give you two chapters today since the last one was rather short.


Volok didn't return when they brought my father back. There were three of them. Two that worked on my father, and one who was pointing a plasma cannon at me. I had been warned to stay in the corner by him while they shackled my father's unconscious form to the wall. These males were wearing biomasks this time, I assume to keep themselves safe from my mind altering smell.

As much as I wanted to rush them, I knew that old cannon would hit its mark at this distance and it was better to be alive and captive than straight dead. Dead people can't find escape routes.

To distract myself from the weapon pointed at me, I looked over my father. The cuts and blood he had previously were gone as if they had never been. I wanted to be relieved, but I also knew that it was only a matter of time before Volok hurt him again. 

When the males started to leave my father, I inched my way over to him because I was scared the idiot would be trigger happy if I moved too fast. I didn't turn my back on them until they all exited the cell because I didn't trust that they wouldn't rush me.

"Dad! DAD!" I cupped his face and shook him, but he didn't move. "WAKE UP!" 

He jerked against his chains so hard that I was thrown back onto the floor. His roar vibrated through my body and I had to cover my ears until he was more aware of his surroundings. He was huffing by the time he finished. "Rose?"

"Yeah, it's me!" I got to my knees and hugged him again. " it true?"

His completely healed mandibles clicked together as his amber eyes searched my face. There was nothing but confusion there. "Is what true?"

So Volok hadn't told my father what he had told me? Why? "That male, the clan leader, said he is negotiating with the Elders to become a clan."

My father growled deep enough for me to see his chest rumble with it. "I have heard no such thing! He lies! Anak would have told me!"

I sighed and nodded. "That's what I thought… but what would he gain by lying to just me about it? Why hadn't he told you?" 

My father snarled, "Why else? He's honorless!"

Honorless? No...I couldn't bring myself to disagree with him out loud however. Volok hadn't done anything that could even remotely be considered honorless. In fact, he was showing us a mercy that Anak wouldn't have ever done by letting us not only live after invading his lands, but fight for our freedom.

I hated to admit it, but he was acting like a clan leader of a respectable clan. Which only made me believe him. Shit! Even still…

"He spoke of his 'mutation'. What do you know of it?" I tapped my claws onto the stone pavement, clicking anxiously. 

"He can alter his body like our cloaking technology. Except he needs no armor. Somehow he is able to manipulate his cells to hide from all forms of bio scans." 

So that's why he kept disappearing regardless of the scans I chose! 

"He has never spoke of what has caused this and there seems to be no tells as to when he uses it." My father continued. 

"You've been fighting him for how long?"

"Three months." He sighed. Paya...three months of constant battling Volok and he hadn't been able to gain any insights? My father was the strongest Enforcer among the clans. If he had spent all this time fighting and had nothing to show for it...then there was no hope. So what the hell was Volok even doing with us?

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