A Soul's Cry for Release

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I pray to God, asking to rid me of what's not meant for me,
Yet, for what is, I plead for a path to find me.
My Lord is my joy, but my heart longs for someone
Who can revive the joy within.

I'll commit to my Lord's house, if it's His will,
Allow me to reach it, let me fulfill.
My soul, my heart, my mind still yearn
For the love that's lost, my love unreturned.

I'm just human, with a heart so weak,
Deceitful, always burdened, I speak.
Yet, I know love, my mind, my soul's destiny,
The truth is known, I can't hide it from me.

A pure love for him, tell me, should I wake,
To forget him, my soul at stake.
Rest my soul, remove this heart of mine,
Lose my mind, my sights, let them decline.

The power of love destined for him,
Only God can erase this adoration within.
Tell me, oh Lord, what should I not do?
I know I'll tread the path I shouldn't pursue.

In my eyes, the beauty of sadness resides,
For behind it, thoughts of my beloved hides.
Pain, a potent inspiration, deeply kills,
All I have left is his sorrows, joy spills.

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