A Farewell and a Welcome

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You're a beacon of light in that performance hall,
Happy eyes, admirer, sought you, enthralled.

Take a chance, embrace someone new's call,
My passion endures, north, east, paths that befall.
Tears honor our love's memory, that's all.

Time's passed, but my eyes still enthral,
Experiences, memories, like a timeless sprawl.
Lost moments can't return, that's the haul,
Yet I await your return, no matter the squall.

No matter how much my feelings grow, the same pain arises.
Wherever I direct my heart, my love for you stays strong.

Goodbyes are hard when you don't want to fall,
Remember, I love you most of all.
You're welcome back anytime, hear my call, my love, my all.

About youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz