Serenade of Unanswered Desires

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On a calm night, I hope to see stars in the sky, but instead, I see a clear sky that will soon bring rain. I cry as I think of you. My wish is for you, but it won't come true. If there's an angel nearby, I hope they see my tears and understand what my heart desires, even though it's something I can't have.

I made the choice to come back, still longing for you, but repeatedly choosing you only brings me pain, over and over again. In my mind, I still hold onto the image of us together. I picture myself waiting in the middle of a desert, looking up at countless stars in the sky, but in reality, all I see is a sky about to release rain.

I know you're far away, but my soul feels close to you, and it's a painful feeling. I've wished and prayed for us, sending my love to you, and receiving yours in return, but all our efforts seem to lead to nothing because my wishes and prayers go unanswered.

Now, I must say goodbye, my love. The billions of stars in my imagination will remain there forever, just a fantasy. In reality, the rain is about to fall, and as it does, I'll be immersed in the sorrow of my love for you. When it passes, stars will appear again in my world, though not as beautiful as the ones in my dreams.

Everything has its beauty, yet everything brings me pain. I love you deeply, but I can't endure the pain of our love indefinitely. It's time for me to go and let you go as well. I believe my Lord will bless us for choosing what's right. Your faith will bring you peace, something I may not understand as our paths diverge due to this forbidden love.

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