Veiled in Sorrow

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I thank my God for burdening me with the kindest heart, a weight that holds the ache of never-ending sorrow
I thank Allah for shaping him with a gentle heart, a fragility that reflects the tenderness that escapes me

He's like the fleeting beauty of a sunset, a reminder as the sky weeps in the evening
His eyes are charming, like the fleeting beauty of a pure white rose, a vision that fades into the obscurity of my longing.

His soul, forever tied to mine, is a chain of perpetual grief, binding me to a fate woven with threads of lament
He is my twin, a lover lost in the vast shadows of unfulfilled promises, a silhouette etched in the tapestry of my desolation.

In his presence, I feel like I'm lost in a melancholic dream, an illusion that dissipates as the dawn of reality breaks
Hearing his voice is like sleeping above the clouds, where dreams unravel into the cold, stark light of day.

I am a bird with clipped wings, imprisoned by the comfort he offers, a captive spirit yearning for the freedom of indifference
His possession, I am forever chained as his lover, captive to the echoes of a love that never finds its resolution.

Oh, dear Lord, when I die, the prospect of seeing him again fills me with a dread that transcends mortal fears
In heaven's eternity, I will be with him, a torment that eclipses the bliss promised by celestial realms.

In him, I see eternity, an endless expanse of unattainable desire, and an eternal yearning etched into the fabric of my existence
Forgive my audacious wishes, for they are not mere desires but sacrificial offerings on the altar of unrequited love.

A kiss from an angel has graced my heart, a bittersweet caress that leaves behind the residue of a melancholy touch
A tender, affectionate heart of mine has stumbled upon you, a discovery that unravels the threads of joy into the fabric of pain.

I sense your love coursing through my veins, a venom that intoxicates my senses with the poison of irreparable longing
Now, the pain within me intensifies—a crescendo of sorrow that echoes through the chambers of my desolate heart.

If there's still a chance, let me be with him—an elusive hope that dances on the periphery of my despair. If there's no sun, life in my heaven would wither into a barren landscape of perpetual darkness
If there is no him, I will weep myself to sleep forever, an eternal lullaby of inconsolable grief.

If I were to choose, I would choose him forever, an eternal commitment to the sorrow that binds us
If only I could, my adoration would be an unending lament for him in the afterlife, a mournful melody that reverberates through the echoes of eternity.

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