Heartfelt Reflections

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You touch my heart, deep, profound,
To my very soul, your presence is bound.
It burns, a fire, rekindles pain's sound,
Yet I stayed, captivated, spellbound.

Deceiver, like the rest, you made me believe,
In a perfect vision we both did conceive.
Oh, how I long for it to fully achieve,
To wed, as you desire, and never to grieve.

You could take me to your city, I'd comply,
I know your yearning, I'd stand by your side.
But you must know, it's not over, no goodbye,
Still, I can't grasp how you replaced me, why?

I wish you knew, as you depart so free,
I'd weep, for another holds your heart, not me.
She's the one who makes you smile, you see,
While I'm left alone, wishing it were we.

Why do I care when you're emotionally sparse?
My love's depth, you lack, it's a far cry from ours.
I feel foolish, writing these heartfelt bars,
For someone undeserving, yet you were my stars.

Now, you're gone, there's no trace, no sign,
I should've left, that opportunity was mine.
But when I saw you, I knew, it was a sign,
Oh, how naive, you weren't my love's design.

You didn't fall for me, as I did for you,
Your feelings never matched mine, it's true.
So, I write this song, with a heavy heart, askew,
For a love unreturned, my farewell to you.

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