Forever Yours, Farewell

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Happiness shows when I look into your eyes, but you cannot see the sadness in mine. I must let you go, but how can I when you are the soul of my soul? I have to drift away like the air, believing that departing silently is the simplest path for you to forget. Yet, I'll always remain uncertain, questioning if leaving provides any resolution. The ache of my enduring love for you is a burden I expect to carry endlessly.

From the beginning, I understood it wouldn't last forever. Yet, I've grown a love that's unwavering for you. Now, I'm lost; I've brought this upon myself. The ache, the sorrow—You and I will fade away, unseen.

You filled the emptiness within me, yet the giver is the one I must part with. I'd prefer you deciding to leave me than having to leave you. You, being a man, once said men don't cry. Now, as a woman, I find myself shedding tears for you.

So much I wish to convey, yet the pain within me surpasses words. It's all contained, your love merging with me, making us one. But what we desired wasn't all we needed, and the ache lingers, inexpressible in mere words.

I entrusted my faith to prayers, finding solace in their strength, even more potent than our love. Tearful prayers to my God now carry the weight of talking about you. You, the most precious man, elude my grasp, as I yearn to possess you in your heart, just as you own me. In this one chance at life, you are my only hope. Forever yours, in the sadness of unfulfilled wishes.

Without you, my life is overwhelmingly sad. Thinking about our time together brings a bittersweet beauty to life. Behind my smile, there's a profound pain, my heart shattered for all time. We can never be together, and that's a lasting ache.

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