Part 17

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Jesper's POV:

The pair of them walked for a while, through the moonlight, and Jesper couldn't help but notice as pale flecks of the light glimmered in Wylan's eyes. Saints, he couldn't deny how breathtaking the boy could be. He thought of Wylan playing the piano, the concentrated divot between his brows as he focused, the ease melting into his usually anxious features that Jesper longed to bring to the boy himself. He was angry at Kaz for a lot of things at the moment, but he had to admit hiring Wylan had turned out to be a better decision than he'd originally thought, especially after he'd realised that they'd met before. 

He frowned slightly at that. Of course he hadn't remembered, a great deal had happened since then with them running around doing Kaz's business and the crow club being taken by Pekka Rollins, but it stung him a surprising amount that Wylan knew and hadn't said anything about it himself.

He looked at Wylan now, as they walked through the darkness, a slow, easy stroll as he relaxed from the excitement of the day.

"You know for the spoilt son of a criminal KingPin, he's not that bad- just a bit energetic, isn't he?" The boy said.

Jesper laughed at that. He hadn't met a great deal of mercher's children in his time but he'd decided he'd seen plenty enough of that kid to make his mind up about what they were like.

"That kid was a right little shit!"

 He swayed his arms as he walked but was cut off by Wylan's surprisingly strong hand gripping his arm tightly. He stopped at the solemness written across the boy's face. 

"You can't tell Kaz, about Alby." He frowned at Jesper, eyes wide and unmoving. He held his grip on Jesper's coat firmly. 

They didn't talk for a long moment.

"Child's a demon," Jesper sighed, conceding, "But no good will come of it." He promised.

Wylan nodded slightly, breathing a tiny, "Thank you," 

He seemed content with the answer, easing his tension despite the eye contact he still maintained with Jesper. He sighed then, and Jesper could see the fear, the panic, the fatigue wearing away at him. He could tell this boy wasn't from here, but he was yet to uncover the truth of Wylan. What he did know, however, was that this, fresh, pure, stunning boy did not belong here, with Jesper, slummed with the rest of the rough criminals and filthy skivs of the barrel.

"This isn't your fight, you know," he inched closer to Wylan, holding the gaze between them, "clearing our names, Kaz's feud with Pekka." 

He wanted to draw the boy closer, to hide him from Kaz and every other bastard the barrel had to offer. But Wylan didn't seem worried, he only moved his face closer, a small smile playing across his lips, that made Jesper's heart miss a beat.

"Jesper Fahey, are you worried about me?" Even in the dim light, Jesper could make out the rosy hue in his cheeks.

"I saw your face when the crow club blew up. You didn't know what you were getting yourself into." 

Wylan looked away, breaking the buzzing contact between them. He seemed to shrink under Jesper's eye, memories of the explosion flitting through his head. But then he looked up again, a new self-assurance evident in his glittering eyes. "Yeah, well, i know now," his lips were dangerously close and absolutely kissable.

"And I'm not going anywhere."

At some point during the conversation, Wylan's hand had slid from Jesper's arm to his hand, their two fingers entwining as the spoke. Now, Wylan's hand slipped from Jesper's, and he turned, walking away from the other boy into the darkness of the garden.

Jesper grinned, his smile eventually breaking into a chuckle as Wylan left.

"Actually, you're walking away for dramatic effect." 

Saints, this boy. 

As he caught up with Wylan through the garden, wondering how he'd managed to ever end up with such a strange and beautiful boy. He ignored as his heart bounced in his chest as they continued to wander into the night.

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